ACEVO Guest Blog – “It’s Christmas!” – How to Avoid the Perils of the Christmas Party Season


How often do we hear Noddy Holder screaming “It’s Christmas!” at this time of year? Whether you inwardly groan or delight in this message, the festive season can throw up all sorts of problems for unwary employers. Despite the economic difficulties many businesses are still experiencing, it is a rare organisation that does not recognise […]

Good with Money: new report on charity investment

Report cover. It reads: Good with money: why charity investments matter

The report of the ACEVO Commission on Ethical and Responsible Charity Investments, chaired by Martin Clarke

Autumn Statement 2014: Sir Stephen Bubb comments


ACEVO’s response to George Osborne’s final Autumn Statement before the 2015 General Election

Sir Stephen Bubb writes in the Daily Telegraph for #GivingTuesday


On #GivingTuesday, Sir Stephen Bubb writes in the Daily Telegraph on the importance of giving and volunteering in the UK

Launch of ‘Winterbourne View – Time for Change’ Report


On 26 November 2014, a landmark report on the future of services for people with learning disabilities was launched by Sir Stephen Bubb, CEO of ACEVO

Launch of the ACEVO Ethical and Responsible Investment Commission

On 15 December ACEVO launch “Good with Money: Why Charity Investments Matter”, the report of the ACEVO Commission on Ethical and Responsible Investment.

ACEVO Manifesto 2015


ACEVO’s Manifesto for the 2015 General Election was launched at the ACEVO Annual Conference on 20 November 2014, the largest annual gathering of charity leaders in the UK

‘Working in Partnership’ – new report released


ACEVO and the Central Southern Commissioning Support Unit release a new framework for the NHS to work with third sector health and care providers

What’s going on in boardrooms?

What is the world coming to? The banking crisis has caused lasting pain to every one of us, emerging failings in care services for older people and vulnerable children are truly shocking, we’ve had horsemeat in our burgers, and now Tesco is under investigation for potential criminality (never mind negligence of oversight). The impact of […]

ACEVO Commission chaired by Will Hutton and Rob Owen to tackle ‘Care Deficit’ in Public Services


ACEVO’s expert ‘Remaking the State’ Commission to move debate on public services ‘beyond choice and competition’ will include Baroness Stedman-Scott and Lord Glasman

ACEVO GUEST BLOG – Is it time to invest your time and energy into Energy?

In these uncertain and expensive times, cost efficiency is an unmitigated necessity for any business. Charitable organisations, more than most, need to see a maximum return for every single penny invested in consumables and commodities alike. With rising fuel prices across all sectors, is now the time to reassess how your charity spends its own […]

Social Investment Action Zones ‘could transform our approach to social problems’, says charities leader


ACEVO’s Sir Stephen Bubb calls on political parties to commit to new Social Investment Action Zones in their election manifestos.