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ACEVO welcomes Ministry of Justice’s concession on judicial review proposals

ACEVO today welcomed the government’s decision to drop its plans to introduce a tougher test for which organisations, including charities, can bring judicial review proceedings. Following a critical response to the proposals, the Ministry of Justice has dropped its plans to restrict organisations from bringing proceedings on behalf of individuals.

ACEVO CEO Sir Stephen Bubb said:

“We are pleased that the government has seen sense on the crucial issue of standing. Preventing organisations from taking judicial review cases on behalf of individuals would deny justice to the most marginalised and vulnerable in society. We are pleased that the government has listened to the clear concerns of ACEVO and many others.

However, we remain concerned that the government sees judicial review as unnecessary ‘red tape’ rather than as a crucial check on balance on government power. There can be no justification for restricting people’s ability to challenge unfair or illegal decisions by public authorities. We will continue to monitor these proposals carefully.”

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