Sir Stephen Bubb welcomes new Charity Commission funding and powers


ACEVO welcomes new Charity Commission funding and draft Protection of Charities Bill

Paul Farmer and Sharon Allen are new Chair and Vice-Chair of ACEVO


ACEVO’s new Chair and Vice-Chair are Paul Farmer of Mind and Sharon Allen of Skills for Care

ACEVO Guest Blog – How can smaller charities meet the automatic enrolment challenge?

[vimeo 105134756 w=500 h=281] It’s been two years now since automatic enrolment first came into force. Since then, regular press coverage and the Government’s “We’re all in” campaign has increased awareness of this legislation amongst employers and their workforces alike. Larger charities have already firmly embedded automatic enrolment within their organisations and initial results show […]

ACEVO & CAF publish ‘The Yellow Book of the Voluntary Sector’


At Liberal Democrat Conference ACEVO and CAF published ‘The Yellow Book of the Voluntary Sector’, a collection of essays showcasing the latest thought on politics and charity

ACEVO Guest Blog – The Trouble with Emails

Most Board members, Chief Executive Officers (‘CEOs’), managers and employees now routinely use email to correspond with one another; it is efficient, cost effective and time saving. However, it can cause problems in employment – this article will look at some of the main areas where the sending of emails can backfire on an organisation. […]

ACEVO Guest Blog – Returning to the Fundamentals of Social Value Creation


It is a sobering exercise to question whether your organisation is truly delivering the best possible results for the beneficiaries it has pledged to serve. However, it is also the single most important question that a voluntary sector chief executive can ask. By interrogating whether or not your organisation is delivering its desired impact, and […]

ACEVO & CAF publish ‘The Blue Book of the Voluntary Sector’


ACEVO & CAF publish ‘The Blue Book of the Voluntary Sector’, with essays by a range of Conservative MPs and thinkers

Sir Stephen Bubb: ‘Hunt right to highlight crucial role for charities’


Sir Stephen Bubb of ACEVO comments on Secretary of State for Health Jeremy Hunt’s speech to Conservative Conference

Sir Stephen Bubb comments on Theresa May’s conference speech on radical Islam and charities


ACEVO’s comment on Home Secretary Theresa May’s speech to Conservative Conference and her words on the Charity Commission

ACEVO & CAF publish ‘The Red Book of the Voluntary Sector’


ACEVO and CAF’s Red Book of the Voluntary Sector was compiled in partnership with Lisa Nandy MP, and features a foreword by the Rt Hon Ed Miliband MP.

ACEVO at Labour Conference 2014


A summary of ACEVO’s civil society events at Labour Conference 2014, in central Manchester

ACEVO publishes new edition of ‘The Chief Executive’s First 100 Days’


ACEVO has published the second edition of ‘The Chief Executive’s First 100 Days’.