The Telegraph: Can David Cameron’s ‘Big Society’ make a comeback?


Kadhim Shubber asks if David Cameron’s ‘Big Society’ can make a comeback

ACEVO Guest Blog – Time for Change: A Challenge for Charities?

It may be in the best interests of your charity to make changes to its organisational structure. For many charities such changes are necessary in the current climate as a result of the more competitive tendering environment and reduced availability and access to both restricted and unrestricted funding. Ask yourself… • Is the structure of […]

ACEVO Guest Blog: Overcome Communication Confusion & Influence with Integrity

  What’s the problem around here? Time to stop and ponder for a moment . . . if you were asked: “What’s the number one problem in your organisation?” what would be your reply? Given the state of the nation in the last few years it could well be a lack of something. Most probably […]

Third Sector: Labour promises to repeal the lobbying act


Andy Ricketts at Third Sector reports that Labour has promised to repeal the lobbying act

ACEVO: We Welcome Labour’s Commitment to Repeal the Lobbying Act. Let other Political Parties Follow Suit


ACEVO Welcomes Labour’s Commitment to Repeal the Lobbying Act. Let other Political Parties Follow Suit

Third Sector: Public Service gagging clauses prevent charities from speaking out


Third Sector magazine reports on gagging clauses in public service contracts

ACEVO Corporate Partner Guest Blog: Risk, Reputation and Data Protection

Gary Shipsey, Managing Director at Protecture, explains the importance the damage that can be done by having outdated data protection policy in place… The £200,000 fine issued to the British Pregnancy Advice Service (BPAS) is the latest in a growing number of data protection breaches in the charity sector. Data protection has become mainstream. But […]

The Daily Telegraph: Football for school leavers is good for advice and tips for interviews


The Chief Executive of Street League UK, Matt Stevenson Dodd writes in the Daily Telegraph about his organisation uses football to help young people into employment

Burnham to ACEVO conference: Labour would merge health, social and mental care budgets


Labour would merge health, social and mental care budgets.

The Guardian: ACEVO chief writes to David Cameron warning that public sector monopolies could be replaced by private-sector oligopolies


The Guardian reports on ACEVO CEO Sir Stephen Bubb’ s letter to the Prime Minister warning him that public sector monopolies could be replaced by private-sector oligopolies.

Andy Burnham to outline a new partnership for the NHS and voluntary sector


Andy Burnham to outline a new partnership for the NHS and voluntary sector.

ACEVO Guest Blog: Mike Adamson, Managing Director, British Red Cross

Mike Adamson, Managing Director at British Red Cross, writes about prevention and the need to change how we deliver services and support people to stay well rather than treating them in hospital The UK’s health and social care sector is in the process of trying to adapt to the needs of an aging population. By […]