ACEVO’s John Gillespie in Third Sector: Social Investment still out of reach of many voluntary organisations


ACEVO’s John Gillespie writes for Third Sector about Social Investment and the voluntary sector.

Four things for charities to look out for in this month’s Budget

ACEVO’s Director of Public Policy, Asheem Singh lists four things to look out for in month’s Budget. Below is the article, which featured in today’s Civil Society. On 19 March, George Osborne will tell us what he’s going to do with our money. Few political events bring the soothsayers out in such force as the […]

Leading charity endorses ACEVO’s call to the Government to take on private sector oligopolies in our public services


The Avenues Group endorses ACEVO’s call to the Government to take on private sector oligopolies.

ACEVO chief challenges David Cameron on Public Service reform


The Financial Times reports on ACEVO CEO Sir Stephen Bubb’ s letter to the Prime Minister challenging him on public service reform.

Prime Minister’s promise to ACEVO Chief Bubb: Lobbying Act ‘will not affect majority of charities’


‘Lobbying Act ‘will not affect majority of charities’.

Sir Stephen comments on ACEVO’s ideas for the upcoming budget


  Ahead of the 2014 Budget on 19 March ACEVO has submitted its ideas and suggestions to the Treasury. Naturally I accompanied the submission with a letter to George Osborne to put our case personally. With the economy on the mend, it’s time to look at ways in which we ensure a recovery that is […]

Ed Miliband’s public services plan is just Big Society all over again

The Big Society is back. Listening to Ed Miliband deliver his Hugo Young lecture at the Guardian last week, I was reminded of David Cameron launching the ill-starred Big Society manifesto at Coin Street community centre early in 2010. There was the same set of ideals: people power, devolution, localism. The same excoriation of the […]

ACEVO’s Asheem Singh in the Guardian:Why is Ed Miliband still so timid on public services?


ACEVO’s Director of Public Policy asks why Ed Miliband has remained timid on public services.

Sir Stephen Bubb writes to George Osborne: Support the charity sector that has stepped up in tough times


Support the charity sector that has stepped up in tough times – and in the recent floods.

The Charity Commission is a regulator, not a censor

This week the Cabinet Office closed a consultation on extending the powers of the Charity Commission. The document contained a wide range of proposals aimed at strengthening the Commission’s ability to crack down on malpractice and abuse within charity boards. The end of the process comes after something of a horror month for the Commission, […]

ACEVO responds to Charity Commission Consultation


ACEVO responds to Charity Commission Consultation.

Westminster responds to Sir Stephen Bubb: ‘We will undo the damage caused by the Lobbying Act’


‘We will undo the damage caused by the Lobbying Act’.