ACEVO welcomes Ministry of Justice’s concession on judicial review proposals


ACEVO comments on the MoJ’s concession on judicial review.

ACEVO comments on Public Accounts Committee report into the Charity Commission


ACEVO comments on Public Accounts Committee report into the Charity Commission.

The Guardian: Lobbying Bill passed


The Guardian reports that lobbying bill has passed through the House of Lords.

Sir Stephen Bubb’s response to the crucial day of the passing of the Lobbying Bill


ACEVO’s response to the passing of the Lobbying Bill.

Sir Stephen Bubb: The Lobbying Bill is in disarray. Now scrap it


The Lobbying Bill is in disarray.

ACEVO CEO Sir Stephen Bubb: Foodbanks just one instance of the huge debt that politicians owe charities


Foodbanks just one instance of the huge debt that politicians owe charities.

ACEVO’s Sir Stephen Bubb: Charity Campaigners Should Be Proud of Their Work on The Lobbying Bill; Time for MPs to Listen


Charity Campaigners Should Be Proud of Their Work on The Lobbying Bill.

Sir Stephen Bubb in the Guardian:The sector needs to focus on its strengths


ACEVO’s CEO, Sir Stephen Bubb writes for the Guardian calling for the sector to work together to focus on its strengths.

The Guardian: Government defeated on Lobbying Bill


The Guardian reports that the government has backed down over recent concessions to the Lobbying Bill.

ACEVO’s Sir Stephen Bubb: Our persistence has won more concessions on Lobbying Bill – but now is no time to let up


Our persistence has won more concessions on Lobbying Bill – but now is no time to let up.

ACEVO’s Asheem Singh in The Spectator: The Lobbying Bill is bad for liberty


Director of Public Policy Asheem Singh writes for The Spectator, detailing the effect the Lobbying Bill will have on the voluntary sector.

The Guardian: Five Things for Charities to look out for in Next Month’s Budget


The Guardian reports on Director of Public Policy Asheem Singh’s five key things to watch out for in next month’s Budget.