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The value of donations and grants from trusts has grown by 45% to £4.9 billion

The new Grant Making Spotlight Report is an addition to the spotlight series published by Charity Financials. Sponsored by The Fundraiser, this report focuses on the financial trends of foundation grant makers and independent trusts that support the charitable activities of organisations which provide not-for-profit services. Download now.

The report analyses the expenditure of trusts and foundations identified within the Charity Financials database, and looks at the value and percentages of donations and grants to the different causes. We also name the top charities supporting each cause and highlight how new trusts can be identified using the Charity Commission’s online records.

Key Findings include:

• 14,494 organisations registered with the Charity Commission, with a combined annual expenditure of £2.4 billion, state that they give grants and list no other operational activities.
• Of the organisations with income over £500k, the number reporting grant expenditure increased to 1,900 in 2013, up 20% from 1,580 in 2009.
• The Wellcome Trust (supporting health and medical causes) is the UK’s largest grant making charity with an annual expenditure of £870 million and assets of £16.7 billion.
• Health and medical charities receive 30% of all donations and grants distributed by the 973 grant making trusts in the top 5,000 UK charities population.

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