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ACEVO in the News

Charity groups alarmed by new rules preventing govt grants funding campaigning

Charity Times (Web), Unattributed, 08/02/2016

reconsider this draconian move that could have significant consequences for the charity sector’s relationship with government. I trust government will consult further on this, Etherington said. Charity chief executives’ group Acevo was “shocked and disappointed” by the “erosion of free speech and advocacy” the new rules represent. The group called on the Government to reconsider the proposal and withdraw it.


Sector bodies voice dismay at Cabinet Office lobbying clause announcement

ThirdSector (Web), Unattributed, 08/02/2016

that this attempt to gag charities will create a climate of fear that will prevent small charities and community groups from speaking out on behalf of their beneficiaries.” Sir Stephen Bubb, chief executive of the charity leaders body Acevo , said he was “shocked and disappointed” at the move and called on the government to withdraw it.


`Draconian? new clause in government grant agreements bans charities from lobbying

Civil Society (Web), Alice Sharman, 08/02/2016

championed. We call on Ministers to reconsider this draconian move that could have significant consequences for the charity sector’s relationship with government. I trust government will consult further on this.” Sir Stephen Bubb, chief executive of Acevo, said he is “shocked and disappointed by the latest erosion of free speech and advocacy” and also urged the government to reconsider. “Charities by


Ageas drawn into latest row over Age UK commission deals

Global Reinsurance (Web), Unattributed, 08/02/2016

Responding to the claims Ageas said: “The long-term commercial partnership includes a typical commission to Age UK Enterprises that is in line with commission arrangements in the insurance market.” Acevo, which represents chief executives of charities, told the Financial Times, which first reported Age UK’s wider business arrangements: “Charities do engage with the commercial sector and that is not


Tory attacks lobbying ban on charities

The Times, Dominic Kennedy, 08/02/2016

chairwoman of the health select committee, warned that the move would have serious consequences for public health and that the “balance [of lobbying] is already distorted in favour of industry”. The Association of Chief Executives of Voluntary Organisations said it was shocked and disappointed by the reform and urged ministers to back down. The Cabinet Office has said that all organisations receiving


Charities to be banned from using government funding to lobby on behalf of beneficiaries

UK Fundraising (Web), Howard Lake, 06/02/2016

that charities tackle doesn’t always go down well. A Leeds Postcards image from the 1980s with a  pencil drawing by Cuban artist AJUBEL. ‘Not only draconian but self-defeating’ ACEVO took a similar stance . It issued the following statement: “The charity leaders’ network ACEVO is shocked and disappointed by the latest erosion of free speech


Charities set for ban on using Government grants for lobbying

321 Local News Outlets, 06/02/2016

Charity leaders’ group the Association of Chief Executives of Voluntary Organisations (Acevo) said it was “shocked and disappointed” by the move and called on Mr Hancock to withdraw the clause.

The following is indicative of this coverage:


Age UK probed by watchdog over ‘rip-off energy contracts for OAPs’

Daily Mail, Sean Poulter, 05/02/2016

care group Dignity said it had worked with Age UK for 28 years, adding: ‘Throughout our time working with Age UK, they have demonstrated the highest levels of customer commitment.’ Acevo, which represents charity chief executives, said: ‘Charities do engage with the commercial sector and that is not wrong if they do so ethically and transparently.’ ‘People expect a fair


Sector bodies concerned about making Fundraising Regulator accountable to Charity Commission

Fundraising (Civil Society), Unattributed, 01/02/2016

government body, following the publication of the critical report into fundraising practices. The PACAC report calls for the Charity Commission to have a greater role in overseeing the new regulator. Sir Stephen Bubb, chief executive of Acevo, said: “We are in danger of overregulating charities and damaging good causes. The country’s top fundraising expert Adrian Sargeant says charities could lose


Charities must do more to protect public trust

Civil Society (Web), Gareth Jones, 05/02/16

another opportunity to consider how charities respond to such attacks. There was certainly an impressive roll-call of charities giving statements for the original Telegraph story, along with no-nonsense critiques from Sir Stephen Bubb of Acevo and the Charity Commission. These did quite an effective job of casting doubt on the veracity of the report by sheer weight of numbers, but,


Age UK to continue ‘focusing on commerce’ (Web), Unattributed, 05/02/16

and abuse. Kids Company denied those allegations, and the police dropped a probe into the charity last week after finding no evidence it had failed in its duty to children. Sir Stephen Bubb, the chief executive of Acevo, which represents charity bosses, said such problems were likely to recur given the funding pressures many organisations are currently facing. “Charities have lost


Three regulators assessing allegations about the relationship between Age UK and E.ON

Civil Society (Web), Emily Corfe, 04/02/16

to maintain our level of charitable work over this time. This reflects the strength of the 14-year relationship.”   Speaking on BBC Radio 4’s Todays show this morning, Acevo chief executive Sir Stephen Bubb said Age UK had been “very clear in dismissing the story”.   “Age UK say very clearly that this is an extremely good deal for older people. If


Syria Is the Shame of Our Generation

Huffington Post UK (Blog), Omayma El Ella, 04/02/16

organised a delegation to Lebanon and Turkey with Human Appeal and Islamic Relief who are one of many charities responding to the crisis. Lebanon with the head of ACEVO , Sir Stephen Bubb, and Turkey with two former British Secretaries of State for International Development, Andrew Mitchell MP and Clare Short . The purpose of the visit was for them


Faith in charities

The Daily Telegraph, p. 17, Unattributed, 05/02/16

 When Sir Stephen Bubb of the Association of Chief Executives of Voluntary Organisations appeared on Radio 4’s Today programme yesterday, his intent was presumably to advance the interests of Britain’s charities.


Wise charities welcome scrutiny

Telegraph (Web), Telegraph View, 05/02/16

harming their good causes   Two appointments were made with British Gas for someone to check the electricity meter, but on both occassions no one turned up. Photo: ALAMY   Comments   When Sir Stephen Bubb of the Association of Chief Executives of Voluntary Organisations appeared on Radio 4’s Today programme yesterday, his intent was presumably to advance the interests of Britain’s charities.


Age UK earning millions from energy, insurance and funeral deals (Web), Unattributed, 04/02/16

group Dignity said it had worked with Age UK for about 28 years, adding: “Throughout our time working with Age UK, they have demonstrated the highest levels of customer commitment.” Acevo, which represents charity chief executives, said: “Charities do engage with the commercial sector and that is not wrong if they do so ethically and transparently.” Both Eon and Age UK


Age UK denies pushing customers to expensive energy tariffs

The (Web), Chris Johnston, 04/02/16

for new good deals and we will continue to do so.”   The Charity Commission said it had contacted both Age UK and Ofgem to determine whether any action was necessary.  Acevo, which represents chief executives of charities, told the Financial Times, which first reported Age UK’s wider business arrangements: “Charities do engage with the commercial sector and that is not


Age UK faces probe over millions made in energy, insurance and funeral tie-ups

Financial Times, p. 1, Kiran Stacey, 05/02/16

Dignity said it had worked with Age UK for about 28 years, adding: “Throughout our time working with Age UK, they have demonstrated the highest levels of customer commitment.”   Acevo, which represents charity chief executives, said: “Charities do engage with the commercial sector and that is not wrong if they do so ethically and transparently.”   Both Eon and Age


Age UK probed by watchdog over ‘rip-off energy contracts for OAPs’

Daily Mail, p. 20, Sean Poulter, 05/02/16

care group Dignity said it had worked with Age UK for 28 years, adding: ‘Throughout our time working with Age UK, they have demonstrated the highest levels of customer commitment.’ Acevo, which represents charity chief executives, said: ‘Charities do engage with the commercial sector and that is not wrong if they do so ethically and transparently.’  ‘People expect a fair


BBC Breakfast TV at 0710 and Today Programmme

In wake of PACAC report on Kids Company Sir Stephen Bubb talks of need for good governance and leadership. Called for government support to promote good governance, possibly using some money from bank LIBOR fines. Sir Stephen also talked on ACEVO plan to build Charity Excellence Hub

For full coverage of this event, please see here.


‘Negligent’ Kids Company trustees ‘ignored repeated warnings’ (Web), Unattributed, 01/02/16

scandals in which leading charities, including Oxfam, Save the Children and the NSPCC, were found to have used “exploitative and unethical” ways to raise money, often through subcontractors. Paul Farmer of Acevo, a group that represents leaders in the charity sector, said there were more than 580,000 trustees who give up their free time to support Britain’s charities and who took


New chair for Social Investment Business

Charity Times (Web), Unattributed, 28/01/16

Written by Matt Ritchie  28/01/2016     Long-time Labour politician Hazel Blears will replace Sir Stephen Bubb as chair of Social Investment Business from 1 April.   Blears was MP for Salford from 1997 to 2015 before she stood down at the last election. Her


Hazel Blears to succeed Stephen Bubb as chair of the Social Investment Business

Civil Society (Web), Emily Corfe, 28/01/16

Former Labour MP Hazel Blears has been appointed chair of the Social Investment Business, the UK’s largest frontline social lender, succeeding Acevo chief executive Sir Stephen Bubb who steps down in April.  Blears was MP for Salford from 1997 to 2015 before stepping down at the last election. During her eighteen year political career, she


Charities bill marks arrival of ‘big brother society’ for the sector

ThirdSector (Web), Unattributed, 28/01/16

to take a more proportionate approach to low-level misconduct and mismanagement.    She said the measure was “good news for charities” and appropriate safeguards would be in place.    Asheem Singh, director of public policy at the sector leaders body Acevo , said in a statement that the outcome of the debate in the House of Commons yesterday had


Charity trustees are to blame for the fundraising scandal

The (Web), Bernard Jenkin, 28/01/16

Commission rather than to a select committee in parliament . We have neither the time nor the resources to carry out multiple inquiries into the sector.   The trade bodies – ACEVO and NCVO – argue this risks undermining the new regulator’s independence, but the NCVO’s own review proposes that the commission act as a “backstop”. The Charity Commission need not

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