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A very welcome addition to Labour’s shadow line-up

Mr Reed’s credentials for the job are encouraging. Indeed, as the driving force behind the first Co-operative Council, he has shown an understanding of the ever evolving third sector landscape that will serve him well in his new position.

The future of public services lies in decisions taken by the communities they serve; Mr Reed’s legacy of re-shaping public service in Lambeth chimes well with the sector’s preferred direction of travel. His championing of  community land trusts, co-operative housing, board membership for employees and the personalisation are all welcome. ACEVO looks forward to working with him to further the interests of both the sector, and our wider society. 

ACEVO Interim Chief Executive Asheem Singh said:

“I would like to congratulate Steve Reed on his return to the front bench, and welcome him to his new role on behalf of ACEVO members.

“Steve has always been a strong advocate of community-led public services, and his appointment can help Labour’s policy makers work proactively with civil society leaders to maximise social impact. We are confident that his experience and expertise will help ensure that the voices of charities, social enterprises, co-ops, CICs, mutual and community organisations of all shapes and sizes –  and by extension the voices of the most vulnerable that they represent – are heard during this period of social and economic uncertainty.

“I hope that Steve will be able to build on his predecessor Anna Turley’s work to make a strong offer of support to ACEVO members, the sector’s leaders, and the people they serve.

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