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ACEVO in the News

Acevo announces this yearas fellowships

Charity Times (Web), Main, Unattributed, 09/12/2016

Acevo announces this yearâs fellowships : Written by Matt Ritchie  09/12/2016   Acevo has named the young leaders set to receive this year’™s fellowships. Sponsored by The Leadership


Is this the final nail in Calderstone’s coffin?

Burnley Express (Tuesday), Main, p. 10, Unattributed, 09/12/2016

up by local health and care leaders to modernise services. The proposals include the closure of M ersey C are Whalley site formerly called Calderstones hospital, as called for by Sir Stephen Bubb’s ‘Winterbourne View – Time for Change’ report and the Public Accounts Committee. NHS England will be consulting widely across the North West and beyond to ensure that


Appointing trustees

Children Now, Main, p. 29, Unattributed, 06/11/2016

about the governance of charities. A new leadership and governance initiative was set up – the Charity Futures Programme led by the former chief executive of charity leaders network Acevo, Sir Stephen Bubb. Hopefully this will set out clear guidance for the third sector on governance. TOP TIPS Regularly carry out a skills audit to establish gaps in trustee


We Must Confront The Epidemic Of Youth Loneliness

Huffington Post UK (Blog), Main, Emma Atkins, 06/12/2016

latest piece of research around the subject found that over 70% of young people have felt lonely recently.    What we are witnessing is vast becoming an epidemic. Acevo recently placed the cost of youth loneliness at up to £34 billion in London alone and in addition the past few years has seen a significant rise in the


Charity chief executives less trusted than hairdressers

Civil Society (Web), Main, Unattributed, 05/12/2016

compared with just 44 per cent of respondents who identified themselves as tabloid readers. More tabloid-reading respondents said they didn’t trust charity chief executives, than those who said they did.  Asheem Singh, interim chief executive of Acevo – the umbrella body for charity chief executives, said: “It is fashionable to dismiss pollsters but this particular poll is illuminating. In trust


Two sector bodies less enthusiastic about Cabinet Office move on anti-lobbying clause

ThirdSector (Web), Main, Unattributed, 05/12/2016

Acevo, the National Council for Voluntary Organisations and  Social Enterprise UK all welcomed the government’s announcement on Friday that it was replacing the “anti-lobbying clause” it proposed in February.  Asheem Singh, interim chief executive of Acevo, said the move was a “victory for free speech” because it showed that the government explicitly recognised the role of charities to speak


Peter Holbrook: The government has listened to us on the anti-lobbying clause…

ThirdSector (Web), Main, Unattributed, 05/12/2016

last week the government unveiled substantial changes to the planned clause. This was the result of the membership bodies Social Enterprise UK , the National Council for Voluntary Organisations and Acevo joining forces to engage with civil servants behind closed doors. We are relieved that they have listened. The new grant standards are a significant improvement and explicitly safeguard the


NHS consults on plans to close Calderstones ? the last old-style learning disability hospital in England

Learning Disability Today (Web), Main, Unattributed, 05/12/2016

up by local health and care leaders to modernise services. The proposals include the closure of Mersey Care Whalley site – formerly called Calderstones hospital – as called for by Sir Stephen Bubb’s ‘Winterbourne View – Time for Change’ report and the Public Accounts Committee.  NHS England will be consulting across the Northwest and beyond to ensure that the


Ministers ditch anti-lobbying proposals for charities and universities

Guardian (Web), Patrick Butler 02/12/16

Ministers have dropped controversial plans to gag charities and universities as a condition of receiving public money after widespread alarm from academics and the voluntary sector.


Cabinet Office changes to anti-lobbying clause ‘a victory for free speech’

ThirdSector (Web), Main, Unattributed, 02/12/2016

government and parliamentarians.”  They said the standards should prevent another Kids Company situation in which an unusually large grant was handed out without proper oversight or a competitive process.  Asheem Singh, interim chief executive of Acevo, said: “This is a victory for common sense and for free speech. That the government has moved from implementing an aggressive, regressive and


Government replaces anti-advocacy clause with new grant standards

Civil Society (Web), Main, Unattributed, 02/12/2016

debate are not only permitted but actively welcomed.  “The new standards also have the potential to improve grant-making across government, ensuring public money is fairly awarded and effectively spent.’  Asheem Singh, interim chief executive of Acevo, described the announcement as a “victory for common sense and free speech”.  But he said there remained concerns about the how the


Softening of approach to lobbying in govt grant contracts welcomed

Charity Times (Web), Main, Unattributed, 02/12/2016

such as raising issues with ministers and civil servants, responding to consultations and contributing to the general policy debate are not only permitted but actively welcomed.’� Interim Acevo chief executive Asheem Singh said the new guidance was a victory for common sense. The Government’™s move to recognise and facilitate the role of charities in speaking out for beneficiaries was ‘œconstructive


New Charity Commission board members announced

Civil Society (Web), Main, Unattributed, 30/11/2016

Acevo’s interim chief executive Asheem Singh said he remains “concerned at the lack of transparency and the inadequate process that has resulted in their appointments. “Not only are these appointments two and a half months late, the process of appointment was opaque and undemocratic


Appointments process for Charity Commission board members ‘broken’

ThirdSector (Web), Main, Unattributed, 1/12/2016

The charity leaders group Acevo has described the Charity Commission‘s governance and board appointments process as “broken” and “opaque” after the announcement of three new commission board members yesterday.


Commission to consult on raising £5m from sector to pay for regulation

Charity Finance, Main, p. 6, Unattributed, 01/12/2016

and engagement at CFG, said it was wrong to present charging for regulation as inevitable. Meanwhile, Acevo issued a statement saying the proposal is “unprincipled and unacceptable”. Interim chief executive Asheem Singh said: “The Charity Commission, despite overwhelming, principled opposition, seems determined to cannibalise further the charitable donations of the British people and ensure that as little as possible goes


Russell Hargrave: Neet Feet scandal is proof that mums know best

ThirdSector (Web), Main, Unattributed, 29/11/2016

positive story-telling will get the charity sector through its current problems.  One step in the right direction is NCVO’s Constructive Voices programme . Another comes with the appointment of Vicky Browning to head Acevo in the new year. Appointing a communications expert and former publisher to run one of the sector’s most influential bodies is a positive sign.


Funders have failed to invest in charities’ core costs, Lords told

Civil Society (Web), Main, Unattributed, 28/11/2016

to invest in charities’ core costs, Lords told : In its written evidence the Charity Futures project, which is part of Acevo and being led by former Acevo chief executive, Sir Stephen Bubb, said the sector faces “significant challenges” and that to date there had been a lack of investment in core costs.  “There has been a sustained failure


Editorial: Our Libor fine money could be better spent

ThirdSector (Web), Main, Unattributed, 25/11/2016

and services cut.  Some progressive funders such as the Lloyds Bank Foundation do offer charities leadership support in addition to grants, but the numbers that do so are low.  Sir Stephen Bubb, the former chief executive of the charity leaders body Acevo, has established the Charity Futures programme to investigate what could be done to improve the governance and


BLOG: New policies are needed to stimulate charity mergers

Charity Times (Web), Main, Unattributed, 26/11/2016

helping charities and social enterprises pull off mergers, then this would create a substantial leap forward. Furthermore, key parties including government, funders, the regulator, umbrella bodies such as NCVO and Acevo and advisors who work in this field should borrow lessons from the government’™s adoption of a social investment strategy. All should operate in a more joined up way to


Changing the scope of learning disability care

Care Management Matters (Web), Main, Unattributed, 25/11/2016

a mental illness or with behaviours that challenge. A lot of progress has been made so far, but much more still needs to be done. In 2014, NHS England commissioned Sir Stephen Bubb to produce a report on his recommendations to accelerate the transformation of care for people with learning disabilities.  As Sir Stephen Bubb said in his report,


Voluntary sector reactions to 2016 autumn statement

Guardian Voluntary (Web), Jane Dudman, 23/11/2016

The UK’s voluntary sector was not front and centre in chancellor Philip Hammond’s autumn statement, where the spending focus was on infrastructure and transport, but there was plenty of detail to give the not-for-profit sector pause for thought. Asheem Singh, chief executive of the Association of Chief Executives of Voluntary Organisations, described the chancellor’s statement as a sticking plaster


Autumn Statement round-up

ThirdSector (Web), Main, Unattributed, 23/11/2016

in the form of the freeze in fuel duty as well as more Libor giveways. But it is clear that we are not high enough up the new government’s agenda.”  Asheem Singh, interim chief executive of Acevo, said the additional investment from Libor fines was welcome but the government had ignored its own post-Kids Company guidelines on good grant-making.


lack of political will to support charities

Civil Society (Web) 23/11/2016

Charities have criticised the Chancellor, Philip Hammond, for appearing to ignore the sector in today’s Autumn Statement.  Acevo and the Charity Finance Group were among those to criticise the lack of attention to the charity sector in today’s announcements, while NCVO warned that the sector needed to be ready for tougher times to come


What do charities want from the Autumn Statement?

Civil Society (Web), Main, Unattributed, 23/11/2016

Sector leaders  Chief executives of the main sector umbrella bodies, led by the Charity Finance Group and including, NCVO, Navca, Locality, the Association of Charitable Foundations, Voice4Change England, Acevo, Small Charities Coalition, Social Enterprise UK, and the Institute of Fundraising, wrote to Hammond in October.  They called for measures to address the sector’s £1.5bn irrecoverable VAT bill


Is the sector a space rocket or a sausage?

Civil Society (Web), Main, Unattributed, 22/11/2016

with. Or at least it would have been, had he not taken the opportunity of his last public appearance, less than a fortnight ago, to lay into chief executives body Acevo for refusing to merge with NCVO. The ill-feeling between the two bodies is hardly a secret, and Lewis has implied NCVO should just set up its own rival in


Latest civil service & public affairs moves ? November 21

Civilserviceworld (Web), Main, Unattributed, 21/11/2016

Chair.  Manor Building Preservation Trust – Jonathan Brinsden appointed by the Charity Commission as Interim Manager.  Pure Fundraising – Helen Mackenzie appointed as Chief Executive.  Acevo – Vicky Browning named as Chief Executive, starting in January.   About the authorUnattributed[sourcelink]—-november-21#provider_moreover[/sourcelink]


Charity hard truths

The Times, Main, p. 34, Unattributed, 22/11/2016

the lesson of Kids Company? Its mistake was lack of emphasis on systems and good governance. That is why Charity Futures drives for more core cost support, not less. sir stephen bubb Director, Charity Futures


Movember moving on from moustache, conference hears

Civil Society (Web), Main, Unattributed, 21/11/2016

Movember moving on from moustache, conference hears:Paul Mitcheson, European country director of Movember, told the annual conference of charity leaders body Acevo that his organisation had been too focused on fun, and had not paid enough attention to its charitable cause – men’s health.  “We have gone through a period


Minister promises to help small charities win contracts

Civil Society (Web), Main, Unattributed, 21/11/2016

Minister promises to help small charities win contracts:Speaking at the annual conference of chief executives body Acevo in London last week, Wilson promised that measures would be announced shortly.  “I want to support the sustainability of the sector by helping more small and medium sized


New appointments this week in UK politics, civil service and public affairs

PoliticsHome (Web), Main, Unattributed, 21/11/2016

Building Preservation Trust – Jonathan Brinsden appointed by the Charity Commission as Interim Manager.  Pure Fundraising – Helen Mackenzie appointed as Chief Executive.  Trade Associations  Acevo – Vicky Browning named as Chief Executive, starting in January.  Want to know more? Click here for information on our Dods People UK service. You can also stay ahead of


Charities’poor relationship with government’due to cock-up, not conspiracy’, says Peter Holbrook

ThirdSector (Web), Main, Unattributed, 18/11/2016

has been “the consequence of cock-up rather than conspiracy”, according to Peter Holbrook, chief executive of Social Enterprise UK.  Speaking during a panel session at the chief executives body Acevo’s annual conference on Thursday, Holbrook said that the relationship with government has been “more strained in recent years than it’s been positive” and said the sector should seek an


A challenging week in the world of Acevo

Third sector, Stephen Cook, 18/11/2016

It’s been a heck of a week for the chief executives body Acevo. After a relatively quiet interregnum of six months since the departure of Sir Stephen Bubb, its high-profile chief executive for 15 years, three attention-grabbing things happened in quick succession.


Use Brexit as an opportunity

Third sector, Liam Kay, 18/11/2016

Charities should embrace the positives of Brexit and use it as an opportunity to focus on some of the sector’s biggest objectives, according to Matthew Patten, chief executive of the Mayor’s Fund for London. Speaking as part of a panel session yesterday at the chief executives body Acevo’s annual conference about the UK’s decision to leave the European Union, Patten said Brexit offered an opportunity to reconsider the role of civil society,


Charities’ relationship with government ‘has gone horribly wrong’

Civil Society, unattributed, 18/11/2016

The charity sector’s relationship with government “has gone horribly wrong”, the chief executive of Social Enterprise UK told charity leaders yesterday. Speaking in London at the annual conference of charity leaders body Acevo, Peter Holbrook said that government needed to make a number of changes to reform that relationship, but also warned that the sector itself had to take the blame for some of its reputational problems


We need more voices from the sector on the Charity Commission

Civil Society, unattributed, 18/11/2016

The Charity Commission needs more voices from the charity sector on its board, charity leaders heard yesterday from a board member who stepped down this year. Claire Dove, chief executive of women’s training charity Blackburne House, was speaking yesterday at the annual conference of charity leaders body Acevo in London


Love or hate it, Brexit offers civil society the chance to tackle social injustice

The (Web), Main, Unattributed, 17/11/2016

in our society to reconnect with society and politics. We should grasp the opportunity.Matthew Patten is chief executive of the Mayor’s Fund for London and is a speaker at the ACEVO annual conference on 17 November.


Rob Wilson’s speech at the ACEVO Annual Conference

GOV.UK (Web), Main, Unattributed, 17/11/2016

Rob Wilson’s speech at the ACEVO Annual Conference:Thank you Sharon for the introduction and to ACEVO for inviting me today.  Firstly, I’d like to congratulate Vicky Browning on her appointment as the new Chief Executive of ACEVO. I look forward to working with you when you start in the New Year.  ‘Leading with Head

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