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Esther McVey clarifies intent of anti-advocacy clauses

Last month The Times reported that the Department for Work and Pensions had put anti-advocacy clauses in some of their contracts with charities and private companies involved in the roll-out of universal credit. Following this our CEO Vicky Browning wrote to Esther McVey, the Secretary of State for Work and Pensions asking for clarification that current clauses are not intended to silence charities and for clauses to be removed from future contracts. Esther McVey has responded to our letter providing important clarification that the intent of such clauses is to ensure that contractors ‘adhere to good working practices.’ We welcome this important clarification and thank the Secretary of State for sharing it publicly, but have responded today requesting that existing clauses are re-drafted to better reflect the intent described in her letter, or removed entirely. 

If you have any questions about anti-advocacy clauses or concerns about them in contracts or grants from any funder please contact ACEVO’s head of policy, 



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