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ACEVO launches podcast by and for civil society leaders

In Leadership worth sharing, ACEVO chief executive Vicky Browning talks to civil society CEOs about their careers, their experiences and what leadership means to them.

We want to see civil society leaders making the biggest possible difference. With nearly six million people in the UK listening to podcasts every week, and the number growing, we hope that our podcast will be a great way to engage with more people in the sector and those interested in leadership. Through Leadership worth sharing we will champion the dedication, professionalism, quality and expertise of civil society leaders and the role and impact they and their organisations have in public life. 

The podcast has an interview format, with ACEVO CEO Vicky Browning conducting lively conversations with guests who will share their own experiences of and thoughts about leadership. They could be implementing significant changes, trying something new or trying to improve practice within civil society. Some of the guests in this first season include Alison Lowe (Touchstone), Josh MacAlister (Frontline), Kate Lee (CLIC Sargent), Girish Menon (ActionAid), Duncan Dunlop (Who Cares? Scotland) and Ruth Taylor (Abortion Support Network). 

With Leadership worth sharing, we want listeners to feel inspired, informed, challenged and proud to be part of or contribute to civil society. We hope it will help us reflect on whether there is anything we can do differently, and be braver in our decision making. 

All episodes will be available on Soundcloud (Spotify, Google Podcasts, iTunes and Deezer to follow), and will have a transcribed version on our blog. For the first year, a new episode will be published every three weeks, and if you subscribe to our Soundcloud page you will see it on your feed as soon as it goes live.

Leadership worth sharing is produced in house, and all queries should be directed to Heloisa Righetto

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