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ICYMI: February 2022

In case you missed it is a monthly round-up of what we have been up to at ACEVO. Communications officer Heloisa Righetto shares links to recently published content, newly launched events and services available to members.

News from ACEVO

We recently unveiled ACEVO’s new three-year strategy, which comes into force on 1 April. The new strategy reflects our strapline ‘imagine, inspire, improve’, which articulates the difference leaders can make. In this blog, ACEVO’s chair Rosie Ferguson outlines the process of developing the strategy with the staff team, trustees and members.

Alongside the strategy development, we wanted to ensure ACEVO is a safe and inclusive organisation. This resulted in a parallel strand of work that you can read about here and a new organisational value of inclusion. We have also strengthened our code of conduct and fleshed out our complaints procedure.

Latest resources

ACEVO and NCVO have joined forces to produce ‘Time to Flex’, a report aiming to support leaders and individuals to approach flexible working in their organisations. Based on conversations with leaders and employees across the sector, ‘Time to Flex’ calls for flexible working to be central to the future of work within charities, and makes six recommendations. Read the report on NCVO’s website

Civil society organisations have worked with government to ensure that community will be placed at the heart of the levelling up agenda, and that funding is invested in social infrastructure as well as large-scale economic and regeneration projects. The Levelling Up White Paper shows the effect of this advocacy, highlighting the importance of social engagement and community pride in levelling up left-behind communities. However, it presents a more mixed picture in terms of how this change will practically be delivered, and more detail is needed for civil society to engage fully. The ACEVO influencing team has produced a member briefing outlining some key thoughts on the white paper, and providing further resources and responses from across civil society. 

Support for you

We ran a survey with members asking about giving staff a cost of living increase for the financial year 2022/23. We have collated and anonymised the data from the 109 responses we received, and the results are available to download from the website

ACEVO has teamed up with executive coach Gary Buxton to deliver a year of action learning. Facilitated by Gary, the Action Learning Sets will provide a space for up to six CEOs to gather together via Zoom every two months to explore the issues they are currently navigating. The cohort will remain consistent over the 12 months, so peer support, trust, and mutual understanding will grow over this period. Please check the website for all the details, including dates and pricing.

ACEVO has partnered with Meyler Campbell Unlimited to offer up to 12 members pro-bono coaching for either your senior management team or board, with a qualified executive coach who is developing their capability as a team coach. You will be a team of either six to eight people working with one coach or a team of up to 12 people working with two coaches. The group will need to attend four sessions and agree to one of those sessions being observed by your coach’s tutor. You will also need to provide feedback to the coach. If you are interested and would like to apply, please complete the form.

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