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Who’s in your corner? Get the support you need

By Kevin Downsworth, First Position Performance Development.

As a leader, you’ve probably prioritised the wellbeing of your team over the last two years and made sure that each person has had the support they needed to help them in these challenging times.

But what about you?  Who have you been able to call upon to ensure you are at the top of your game?  Some of you probably have excellent relationships with your chair, trustees and senior leadership team and they are not only aware of how you are coping but are proactively putting things in place to promote your physical, mental and emotional health. Or you might have the benefit of support from a coach, mentor and network of helpful peers.

Two of ACEVO’s leadership skills focus on the importance of personal and professional development and wellbeing. These skills were agreed upon in 2019 in consultation with ACEVO members as ‘the competencies that will take the sector forward’. They are:

  1. Collaborating Connector
  2. Visionary Persuader
  3. Action Catalyst
  4. Inspiring Influencer
  5. Trusted Educator
  6. Self-Care Self-Aware

When we look at ‘Self-Care Self-Aware’, these are the questions we ask:

  • Do you create, maintain and develop a culture where people feel safe and valued?
  • Are you ensuring that appropriate support and help are available throughout the organisation?
  • Are you visible, available and leading from the front in testing times?

If your answer to the questions above is yes then you are fulfilling some of the key aspects of your leadership role. But who is fulfilling this role for you and your wellbeing?  Who is visible and available for you?

Similarly, when we look at ‘Trusted Educator’ we are urged to make sure of the following in modelling good leadership practice:

  • Create a positive climate that ensures people are open in sharing their thoughts, concerns, ideas and feelings
  • Proactively seek out planned development opportunities for individuals across the organisation
  • Regularly give coaching support to people across the organisation and provide opportunities for others to do the same

So, are you providing that support?  When talking about the benefits of having a coaching relationship one CEO stated:

It’s been essential. I would not have been able to manage the stresses and changes in the leadership approach required without it. It has helped me focus on consistent improvements in how we support our own staff – which has paid dividends – and enabled me to take decisions about and develop senior staff and the culture of management and leadership we need across the organisation.

ACEVO member, Coaching for Excellence client

In the hundreds of Leadership Competencies reviews I have undertaken on behalf of ACEVO the competency that consistently scores the lowest is ‘Trusted Educator’. I’m sure there are many reasons for this. Perhaps developing their people is a lower priority for new CEOs whose initial focus may be on imprinting their mark on the organisation’s strategy, establishing productive working relationships and demonstrating they can deliver results. Understandable perhaps, but neglecting our key resource will not serve you well in the long term.

How are things when viewed from your standpoint? Do you feel you are in a positive climate ensuring you can be open in sharing your thoughts, concerns, ideas and feelings? Who’s looking out for development opportunities for you and giving you the coaching support to promote your development?

It was so useful and supportive to have coaching sessions throughout the lockdowns, it gave space to discuss the challenges and concerns of the situation with someone outside my immediate team. It also showed me the value of external support and advice going forward

ACEVO member, Coaching for Excellence client

Coaching really helps me focus on my wellbeing, my strengths, untangling unhelpful ways of thinking and pursuing clarity and confidence. I will continue to receive coaching and also building/consolidating my own skills and practices in supporting others through coaching and mentoring approaches

ACEVO member, Coaching for Excellence client

So who’s in your corner? If you are not yet reaping the benefits of working with a coach I would highly recommend exploring this option. You deserve to receive the same level of support you would wish for others. Have a look at ACEVO’s Coaching for Excellence programme which has been providing support for members for over 10 years, and get in touch if you have any questions.

Narrated by a member of the ACEVO staff

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