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Joint ACEVO and NCVO letter to the editor of The Telegraph

Originally published on 02/09/2023

Dear Sir

It is clearly laid out within regulation that campaigning and political activity are legitimate and valuable activities for charities to undertake, and it is a legal requirement that political campaigning or political activity must be undertaken by a charity only in the context of supporting the delivery of its charitable purposes.

The comments made by the home secretary in The Telegraph on Thursday 24th August as well as in other media outlets recently, that charities campaigning on refugee and migration issues are acting against the interests of the British public and ‘masquerading as humanitarians’ or as ‘one of a multitude of forces who wish to thwart… government policy’, are insulting to the committed professionals and volunteers in our sector and suggest an intention to encroach on and limit the sector’s legally defined rights and legitimate role in public discourse.

Robust public discourse is a marker of a healthy, effective and vibrant body politic, and the expertise, insight, and integrity that charities bring should be valued as part of effective public policy making in a democratic society.  It is unfortunate that the home secretary has chosen instead to focus on a narrative that fosters a hostile climate and actively seeks to undermine public trust in charities going about their legitimate and essential business.

Yours faithfully

Jane Ide OBE, CEO Association of Chief Executives of Voluntary Organisations (ACEVO)

Sarah Vibert, CEO The National Council of Volunteer Organisations (NCVO)

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