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#ACEVOClimate: May 2021 update

In this blog, ACEVO’s policy officer Maisie Hulbert gathers recent tools, resources and initiatives to support civil society leaders take an ambitious role in tackling climate breakdown.

A narrated version of this blog is available at the bottom of the page

For a while now, I have been speaking to ACEVO members about the climate crisis and how we can support civil society leaders to take a bolder, more ambitious role in preventing climate breakdown. Lots of this is about sharing good practice and information, so we are gathering in a monthly blog campaigns, resources or events which you might be interested in – just in case you missed it. We are still learning and trying to adapt our approach depending on what you need, so if you have suggestions of content or ideas about other ways we can help please just get in touch – my inbox is open.

So, here we go – the first ever #ACEVOClimate monthly update!

G7 and COP26

This year, the UK is hosting two global summits – the G7 in June, and the United Nations Climate Change Conference (COP26) in November. These summits are really important events and even if they feel overwhelming, below are some suggestions of how you can get involved, either as individuals or as organisations:

  1. The Crack the Crises campaign is asking organisations to come together and tackle the Covid-19, injustice, and climate crises. Watch this film to find out more. ACEVO is a member of Crack the Crises, and we are asking more civil society organisations to support the campaign – sign up here.
  2. Linked to Crack the Crises movement is the fantastic Wave of Hope campaign, building momentum towards the G7 by asking everyone to join a wave of hope and stand united, demonstrating to policymakers that we believe we can create a safer, fairer world. Sign up and download your toolkit – you can get creative with family and friends and share your own wave of hope with the online gallery. If you have offices, charity shops, community halls or any other premises, even better – make use of them and spread the word by displaying your wave of hope wherever you can!
  3. COP26 Coalition – this coalition of civil society organisations rooted in Scotland and expanding across the UK provides lots of useful information, like understanding COP26 and further resources. This is a great place to start to understand COP26 itself and the current mobilisation of civil society which is going on.

If you’re not thinking so much about these political summits and momentum towards them, here are some other resources which might get you thinking:

  • Sign up to ACEVO’s climate leadership principles – shaped by our climate crisis member working group, these principles provide a framework for leaders to start taking steps against climate breakdown. Email us to sign up and show that at this important moment for climate justice you are committed to the 3 As: acknowledgement, ambition and action.
  • Make use of our member tools and templates on the climate crisis: a sustainability starter checklist to help you find the quick wins and where you need to think a bit further ahead, and some handy tips to be sustainable while working from home.
  • We have been gathering external resources about the climate crisis and now have a good bank of content – have a look here to find initiatives, resources and more provided by ACEVO’s partners and other organisations.
  • Book onto our climate crisis member meeting on 1 July to hear from speaker Nikita Mistry, head of civil society engagement for COP26. Nikita will explain the ways in which civil society can engage with COP26, the #TogetherForOurPlanet campaign, and how to engage local communities in climate action and celebrate the initiatives already happening in the 6 months to go until COP26 in November. There will also be a chance to ask Nikita questions.
  • Hope for the Future – a climate charity equipping communities, groups and individuals to communicate the urgency of climate change with local politicians. If you’d like template letters, campaigning workbooks and the opportunity to engage with a range of events to communicate effectively with your MP this is the place to start.
  • London Climate Action Week – 26 June-4 July: if you are a London-based organisation this week aims to harness the power of London for global climate action. There are events on a huge range of topics which will be of interest to charities inside and outside London.

If you have other content you’d like to share, please tweet it tagging @ACEVO and #AcevoClimate, and we will promote as much as we can via our channels!

Narrated by a member of the ACEVO staff

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