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ACEVO responds to International Development Committee report on sexual exploitation and abuse in the aid sector

Vicky Browning’s response to the International Development Committee’s report into sexual exploitation and abuse in the aid sector:

“The report published by the International Development Committee (IDC) today rightly condemns those in the international aid sector who use their position to abuse and exploit others. ACEVO works alongside a huge number of civil society leaders from a range of organisations who work hard to create a fairer, more equal, more socially just society, and they may find it hard to recognise the behaviour described in the IDC’s report. But the uncomfortable truth is that too many people do recognise the behaviour and actions described in the report because they have experienced harm when working for or receiving aid from international charities.”

“How we as sector leaders react now will govern how confident people feel about coming forward with reports of abuse. Without the trust of those who experience harm we will not be able to create the lasting change necessary to reduce the risk of abuse occurring. This is an opportunity to listen and learn in order to build a safer charity sector at home and abroad.”

“We are pleased that the report highlights the need for a sustained multi-agency response from funders, donors, DFID and the UN to ensure that safeguarding is a permanent priority. ACEVO will continue to work in partnership with the Department for International Development, the Office for Civil Society, the Charity Commission and charity leaders to support and champion values based leadership that creates a safe organisational culture.”

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