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New ACEVO Trustees 2017

New ACEVO trustees announced

This year ACEVO held elections for five board vacancies. 12 new candidates were nominated and one existing trustee sought re-election. Two candidates polled the same number of votes for the fifth seat and the ACEVO board has decided to appoint both. We are delighted to welcome all six trustees to the board:

  • Menai Owen-Jones
  • Jehangir Malik (second term)
  • Ruth Marks
  • David Smith
  • Sue Tibballs
  • Clare White

ACEVO chair Paul Farmer said: “This year saw an exceptionally strong field of candidates. It is encouraging to see so many people prepared to offer their commitment to ACEVO in addition to the dedication they already give to their own organisations. My commiserations go to those who were not elected this year but whose contribution to the ACEVO network remains highly valued. I look forward to working with my new colleagues on the board of an organisation growing in confidence and with a clear sense of purpose to support and empower its members. I would like to thank the newly retired trustees for their insight and commitment over the past few years.”

ACEVO chief executive Vicky Browning said: “I’d like to congratulate the successful candidates and thank all of those who stood for election. Our new trustees bring a range of skill sets and experience which will be incredibly helpful to both the executive team and our members”

Menai Owen-Jones

I am an active ACEVO member living in Wales. I believe in the importance of ACEVO in empowering great leadership in the sector and an advocate of giving a voice to charities with smaller turnovers. I look forward to sharing my skills and expanding my board level experience, having been CEO for The Pituitary Foundation, a small UK rare diseases charity, for six years. I am a law graduate and qualified director, with a master’s level diploma in company direction from The Institute of Directors.

I have 15 years’ experience in the sector, specifically in health charities of all sizes and geographic coverage. My specialist area before becoming CEO was fundraising. I have a breadth of knowledge and experience across many areas, particularly in governance, strategy, leadership and organisation development. I am passionate about the voluntary sector and a true advocate of learning and development and great leadership. 

Jehangir Malik

Jehangir Malik is the current CEO of Muslim Aid. He is an international development professional with a development career spanning back to 1991. Jehangir started as a volunteer with Islamic Relief and was later appointed to various roles including development director of IR USA, where he led various humanitarian missions globally, deputy country director in Afghanistan and UK director until 2014. He is a former CEO of International Inspiration, London Olympics Sports and International Development charity.

Jehangir engages with government and policy makers by providing policy briefings and strategic engagement. Jehangir is passionate about social justice and fighting inequality. He is a current board member of Runnymede Trust and advisor to the Muslim Charities Forum. He remains active at the UK community level through encouragement of civic engagement, initiatives for youth development and for Muslim engagement on mainstream issues. In 2010, Jehangir was awarded an OBE in recognition of his 20 years’ contribution to humanitarian causes. 

Ruth Marks

I look forward to contributing to the work of maximising the benefits of membership, forward thinking leadership and collaboration across civil society.

I have worked for several UK wide charities and held leadership roles for over 20 years. As a trustee and board member I will draw on national and international experience. I am chief executive of Wales Council for Voluntary Action (WCVA) and regional vice president of the International Federation on Ageing – both are membership organisations.

I am keen to increase the links and connections with the third sector across England and Wales because I think it will have a positive impact on wider civil society. I am committed to making a full contribution to the ACEVO board and to supporting the chief executive and executive team, especially in Wales where I have extensive networks.   

David Smith

I am the CEO of Hull and East Yorkshire Mind and have been working in the voluntary sector since 1995, a chief exec since 2001 and involved with ACEVO since 2007. These roles have been within housing, welfare and mental health in addition to acting as a trustee of a number of other charities including as chair of Your Consortium, a successful VCS contracting organisation working across Yorkshire and Humber.

As a trustee of ACEVO I will offer my skills and expertise in leadership and organisational development along with knowledge around public sector reform, mental health and NHS collaborations.

The VCS is going through a period of rapid change with new opportunities on the horizon. ACEVO has a unique leadership role to play in helping members through this change to a positive, optimistic and sustainable future whilst also supporting them to build the resilience they need to manage the routine stresses, politics and challenges we face within our daily work. 

Sue Tibbalds

I have spent 25 years working as a campaigner, commentator and organisational leader. I am currently chief executive of the Sheila McKechnie Foundation, was previously CEO of Women in Sport and have served as a trustee and chair of Fawcett. I have also worked in the public and private sectors.

My interest is social change. As well as being an experienced practitioner, I bring an in-depth understanding of leadership, strategy, governance and policy. Things are changing fast around us, bringing opportunities but challenges too. I believe as a sector we need to be relentlessly mission-driven, and both realistic and creative in how we seek to be resilient and pursue positive change.

I very much look forward to contributing my knowledge and experience to ACEVO’s board to ensure we give the very best support to members and ensure ACEVO continues to be a confident and influential advocate for our sector. 

Clare White

I am CEO at Alder Hey Children’s Charity, supporting the hospital’s work and through innovations and research into childhood diseases, the quality of life for children globally.

Previously, I was CEO at The Tim Parry Johnathan Ball Foundation for Peace, the only UK organisation founded by victims of terrorism. I developed and positioned it as advisor to government on the aftercare of victims of terrorism and the prevention of violent radicalisation of young people.

I’m at the stage in my career where I would like to offer my expertise and knowledge to benefit others in the sector. I have built a variety of skills through my career as a marketer, fundraiser, business director and leader in conflict resolution which I believe will benefit ACEVO in this new age of leadership in fundraising.

I have a reputation for being straight talking, decisive and passionate about the charity sector and specifically the beneficiaries whom we collectively support. 


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