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4 new trustees join ACEVO Board

ACEVO this morning announced the appointment of 4 new trustees, to join its Board of Trustees. Paul Farmer, Chief Executive of mental health charity Mind, formally took over as Chair of ACEVO on 22 January. ACEVO’s new Vice-Chair is Sharon Allen, Chief Executive of Skills for Care.

ACEVO’s Board was joined by four new trustees:

Rachel Kelly, Chief Executive of Reading Matters

Kate MacDonald, Chief Executive of Young People’s Support Foundation

Jehangir Malik, Director of Islamic Relief UK

Jon Sparkes, Chief Executive of Crisis

The trustees were elected in December 2014 in a ballot of all ACEVO members, and their appointment formally ratified and announced to ACEVO members at ACEVO’s AGM (held in Parliament on 22 January).

Sir Stephen Bubb, CEO of ACEVO, today wrote to ACEVO’s membership to announce the new Board. His blog also announced the results of the election.

Commenting on the announcement, Sir Stephen said:

“I’m pleased to welcome the new members of ACEVO’s board. The breadth of organisations represented is a strong endorsement of the ACEVO movement’s importance to charities of all types and sizes. It now has representatives of small, medium and large charities, as well as faith charities, social enterprises, housing associations and others. It’s going to be a difficult but exciting year for the third sector, and I look forward to tackling it with our new trustees.”

Full biographies of the new trustees are below:

Rachel Kelly – An active ACEVO member, enthusiastic, passionate, grounded in reality about the work, challenges and role of the Third Sector, who believes in representing charities and voluntary organisations with smaller turnovers. Following university, Rachel spent 10 years in private sector management, training and quality, and 3 years in education before joining charity and social enterprise Reading Matters in 2009. She became Chief Executive in 2012, turning their finances around. Reading Matters improve reading, literacy and communication skills of children and young people and offer volunteering opportunities and training. Working predominantly across Yorkshire and increasingly across the UK, last academic year they supported 4600 children, improving reading ages by 13 months on average with 10 hours’ support, and trained 1000 individuals. They are a relatively small charity with 5 employees, and manage 100 Reading Mentor volunteers.  Based in West Yorkshire, she has 2 ‘tweenage’ daughters and is trustee of Canterbury Imagine, affiliated to Dolly Parton’s Foundation.

Kate MacDonald – Kate joined the sector three years ago as CEO of the Young People’s Support Foundation, a smallish charity based in Manchester supporting more than 2,000 young people facing homelessness each year. Previously Kate worked in local government although her professional background is in the Probation Service. A theme throughout her career has been socially excluded young people and her current role has provided the opportunity to understand what a crucial role the VCS has in engagement.  She is involved in a range of partnerships both in the North West and nationally with the aim of improving delivery, campaigning and ensuring service sustainability. Kate’s championing of the needs of young people is a primary reason for her other roles as a trustee for a local youth leadership charity and as a governor at The Manchester College

Jehangir Malik – Director of Islamic Relief UK. Jehangir Malik graduated with a Law Degree in 1992. He first worked with IRW in 1991 as a volunteer-steward at the Islamic Relief Games and was later appointed to various roles including Development Director of IR USA and Deputy Country Director in Afghanistan. Jehangir engages with government departments by providing policy briefings & strategic engagement on international development and foreign policy issues while also often visiting field missions and disaster zones for fundraising and media purposes. He remains active at the UK community level through encouragement of civic engagement, initiatives for youth development and a passion for Muslim engagement on mainstream issues. In 2006, Jehangir was awarded an OBE in recognition of his 20 years of contribution to the humanitarian cause.

Jon Sparkes – Chief Executive of Crisis. Prior to joining the charity he was Chief Operating Officer of UNICEF UK, which raises money for UNICEF’s work with children around the world and campaigns to improve the rights of children in the UK and globally. Jon led the partnership between UNICEF and the Commonwealth Games in Glasgow 2014 which raised £5m and played a significant role in fundraising for children affected by the conflict in Syria.

Previously Jon was Chief Executive of SCOPE, the national disability charity, delivering services for disabled people with complex support needs and campaigning for the right of disabled people to choice and control over their own lives. Jon was the Chair of the Disability Charities Consortium and worked closely in alliance with disabled people’s organisations.

He has wide-ranging experience across the charity sector, including as a trustee of SeeAbility, a charity for disabled people with a sight impairment, and through working voluntarily for charities. He has also worked on economic development projects in areas such as long-term unemployment, support services for lone parents, and employment improvement projects with black and minority ethnic communities.

 Before working in the third sector, he was a Human Resources Director in the both the public and private sectors. He is a Chartered Companion of the Chartered Institute of Personnel and Development (CIPD), formerly a member of the Editorial Board of People Management magazine and Vice President of the CIPD responsible for Diversity. While leading Scope, Jon chaired an ACEVO working group bringing forward recommendations for voluntary sector chief executives for improving employee engagement.


Notes to Editors

ACEVO’s full Board of Trustees now comprises:

Paul Farmer – CEO, Mind (Chair)

Sharon Allen – CEO, Skills for Care (Vice Chair)

Sir Stephen Bubb – CEO, ACEVO

Joe Irvin – CEO, Living Streets

Jill Halford – Director, Pricewaterhouse Coopers LLP (Treasurer)

Kulbinder Kang – CEO, People First Housing

Rachel Kelly – CEO, Reading Matters

Jehangir Malik OBE – Director, Islamic Relief UK

Kate MacDonald – CEO, Young People’s Support Foundation

Jon Sparkes – CEO, Crisis

Sarah Talbot-Williams – CEO, Above and Beyond

Kate Welch – CEO, Social Enterprise Acumen

For media enquiries please contact the ACEVO Press Office: or 07825894716.

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