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Best of 2022 according to the ACEVO team

We are a small team here at ACEVO, which means everyone gets involved with events, content, day to day errands and member support. But as 2022 comes to a close, some of the staff look back and choose their highlights of the year.

Melanie Jeanton, membership officer

Everyone who has worked with me for a few years knows that patience is not my strong point, but they appreciate the fact that I’m trying to get better at it. In fact, our previous CEO bought me a travel mug inscribed with “Coffee then patience” and a patience stone (which is now the size of a pebble because I rubbed it so hard this year, desperately trying to find my inner patience).

I like efficiency and logical processes, and both were tough to achieve this year due to failing technology and the recruitment crisis – it was a tough year to stay zen!

So, my favourite thing about this year has been having people in this team who have listened, supported, empathised and carried me through. I like to call them “the ACEVO network within the ACEVO network”, and they know who they are.

I saw this quote on a basketball shirt while I was on holiday in the US this year: “The strength of the team is each individual member. The strength of each member is the team.”

Jane Ide, chief executive

Am I allowed to claim a whole six months as a highlight of the year?  Because – genuinely – I have absolutely loved every day of my first six months in my role here, and I would really be hard pressed to pick one thing out of the whole tapestry that makes up ACEVO.   

It’s getting to work every day with a whole team of brilliant, committed, creative, funny, supportive people.   

It’s having one of the most diverse, mature and supportive (yet appropriately challenging!) boards I could ask for.   

It is the joy of spending time with members and being able to offer them the things they need at the time they need them.   

And it is the satisfaction of knowing that while times are undoubtedly tough for so many leaders in our sector right now, we are doing things that help them through – whether that is offering one to one support, providing the chance to network and share their concerns, or working to influence decision makers in government on the sector’s behalf. 

Sarah Dowle, membership & marketing manager

I joined ACEVO at the end of September covering maternity leave for the membership and marketing manager role. I have loved working as part of the small ACEVO team and understanding the demands the sector faces. The cost-of-living crisis means that charities are experiencing the most challenging of times. I hope that during my tenure I can help the sector understand that they are not alone and collectively we can support each other.

Heloisa Righetto, comms & content lead

Last month I celebrated my 4th ACEVO anniversary. It’s safe to say that I feel at home here, and even though there have been quite a few changes in the team since I first arrived, I continue to admire and trust my colleagues more than ever. On another personal note, I got promoted this year, and I’m not blasé about it: it is a huge highlight for me!

I’m also very proud of our cost of living page, which we were able to create quickly as soon as we realised members needed more information about what was going on and how it would affect the sector. And one final thing I have to mention is the climate case studies: we have published 13 of them this year, showcasing what charities have been doing to embrace the fight to tackle the climate crisis. Huge thanks to everyone that took the time to put them together!

Marlene Cursoux, corporate partnership executive

First of all, this year ACEVO’s team grew, and it was a pleasure to welcome my new colleagues!

With the sector facing such important challenges, I loved seeing how the ACEVO team, our members and corporate partners joined forces to contribute to ACEVO’s cost of living crisis hub. Having been able to work with charities and recruiters to advertise their vacancies to our members as well as to the wider sector and help them respond to the employment crisis was another of my highlights.

Roberta Fusco, head of influencing

My favourite thing at ACEVO in 2022 is becoming part of the team! I feel very privileged to have the opportunity to work alongside the talented ACEVO staff team in supporting our network of CEOs and senior leaders to make the biggest possible difference at a time when ACEVO too has welcomed new leadership.  I’m excited to have joined just in time to launch the Pay and Equalities survey and to attend my first face-to-face members meeting in Manchester – I hope 2023 brings more of this. I love that the ACEVO team has a creative challenge each month, and I’m proud to have taken part in my first one, creating dissonant and ambient tunes with my colleagues using only household objects – what a way to bond!  But best of all is the sense of being part of a community of people who all want to make things better.

Tom Andrews, head of member support

I write the same thing every year. My highlight, as always, are my conversations with members. CEOs and senior leaders; struggling, thriving, tired, energised, feeling stuck and moving forward. It’s been a tough year, and in this adversity is where I’ve seen courage and resilience, and an overriding ambition to face the challenges with professionalism and integrity.

Lauren Slack, membership administrator

The highlight of 2022 for me was joining the ACEVO team! Everyone has been so welcoming and made me feel right at home. This is also the year I’ve been introduced to the world of Salesforce. I love technology that can help you be more efficient, pulling together information in one place. While working with a new platform might be daunting, it’s a great feeling when you begin to see how it changes the way you work for the better.

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