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ICYMI: May 2023

In case you missed it is a monthly round-up of what we have been up to at ACEVO. Comms & content lead Heloisa Righetto shares links to recently published content, newly launched events and services available to members.

A narrated version of this blog is available at the bottom of the page

News from ACEVO

Announced new events, training and networking

  • Would you like to learn more about good governance processes? Better understand trustee roles? Have questions about induction and reporting, risk management, and how to ensure good working relationships? Join other ACEVO members in this Q&A session with governance specialists Joy Allen (Leading Governance Ltd.) and Jenny Berry (ACEVO). It will be a one-hour session and a safe space to ask anything governance related. You can send your questions in advance if you prefer. Book now
  • Psychological safety is key to enabling individuals to share their thoughts, opinions, and ideas freely without fear – leading to more productive conversations and high-performing teams. For CEOs, the challenge is how to create it and encourage others to do the same, in an increasingly complex working environment. Through demos, discussion and practice opportunities, our practical one-day online workshop on 6 July will equip CEOs with knowledge models and techniques to help them to skilfully communicate with their teams, including; how to create the psychological safety to surface different perspectives, how to explore those perspectives and how to co-create ways forward which work for individuals and organisations. Book your place now

Influencing work

  • Throughout its passage in Parliament, several civil society organisations campaigned tirelessly to have the Public Order Bill scrapped or amended to ensure restrictions were not placed on people’s fundamental right to protest. To our dismay, any positive gains made during the House of Lords stages were undone by MPs during the ‘ping pong’ stage. Read our latest update on the website
  • The next general election is a maximum of 20 months away and organisations from different sectors are now trying to influence political parties’ priorities as they prepare for the big day. It’s essential we take the opportunity over the next year to ensure we’re at the heart of political decision-making and are considered as key partners for any new government. ACEVO and NCVO are working together to produce a manifesto for charities and volunteering and need your help and input to make this manifesto a powerful and compelling vision for the society we want to see and the role that civil society plays in getting us there.  Come along to one of the in person or online events that we are delivering together in June and July to be part of the conversation and share your views. 

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