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Policy round-up: July 2023

This month’s policy roundup gives you a flavour into what the ACEVO policy and influencing team has been up to over the last month.

By Shareen Patel, policy and influencing officer at ACEVO.

A narrated version of this blog is available at the bottom of the page

DCMS funding for charities

We are very pleased to see the launch of the DCMS and National Lottery Community Fund’s (TNLCF) grant programme for civil society organisations that have seen both an increase in demand and a rise in operating costs. The £71m available will help many frontline organisations continue providing their services supporting communities and building resilience. The fund is focused on small and medium-sized organisations, but nationals can apply where they demonstrate local impact. Check the website to find out more about the criteria and see if you are eligible, and find all the details and application process on the TNLCF website. Deadline to apply is 12pm on Monday 16 October.

Read ACEVO’s CEO full response to the announcement of the funding.

Home Truths 2

Following Home Truths, a report published by us and Voice4Change in 2020, we have now launched Home Truths 2 (HT2). Home Truths made evident that racism is a significant and unresolved issue in our sector. HT2 will span over the next 18 months and has been designed to challenge and support mainstream UK civil society to take serious practical action on anti-racism and race equity.

There are many ways to get involved:

  • We are looking for SMT leaders already active on anti-racism and race equity practice to apply to join the ‘Further, Faster’ cohort. Please be advised that all cohort participants must sign up and commit to our diversity leadership principles. For further information on how to sign up, please get in touch with me directly on
  • We are also asking for Black and Minoritised people in mainstream civil society to participate in our second Home Truths survey, which covers experiences of racism and asks your views on what is helpful in advancing race equity in civil society organisations.
  • If you work in communications, finance, HR or any other area in the charity sector, if you are an EDI leader, SMT or board member, please register to participate in our online race equity learning sessions.
  • Share Home Truths 2 on social media and help us reach more people: download our comms pack now.

Joint manifesto work

We have now completed our ‘on-the-road’ sessions for our joint manifesto work with NCVO in the run-up to the general election. Thanks to those who joined us either online or in-person. We received constructive feedback from participants which we are now considering as we write up the draft document. Opportunities to provide further feedback on the manifesto will be publicised soon, please keep an eye out.

Electoral Commission’s Draft Guidance on Digital Imprints

The Electoral Commission’s Draft Guidance on Digital Imprints has now been laid by the Government for approval in Parliament. The Elections Act 2022 introduced digital imprints to make campaigners identify themselves when promoting certain digital material. The guidance aims to support candidates, campaigners and political parties in understanding and complying with the new rules. If the guidance is approved by Parliament, it will come into force alongside the new digital imprints rules in November 2023. More information is available on the website, and you can also read the accompanying written ministerial statement to both Houses.

Illegal Migration Bill

Despite huge influencing efforts from civil society, the Illegal Migration Bill has passed all stages in Parliament and is now law. The Bill places a duty on the Home Secretary to make arrangements for the removal of a person from the UK if they entered in breach of immigration laws, if they have travelled through a safe third country enroute to the UK, and if they require leave to enter or remain, but do not have it.

Refugee Council posted a thread on twitter highlighting the improvements made to the Bill’s original version. These include removing a clause that would have given extensive powers to detain and remove family members of those affected by the Bill if they lacked permission to be in the UK. Pregnant women can also no longer be detained indefinitely.

A report will be prepared and published within six months of the Bill becoming law. We will keep you updated if we hear any further information.

Flexible Working Bill

The Flexible Working Bill received Royal Assent on 20 July. The Act will require employers to consider and discuss any requests made by their employee. Now, requests will no longer be limited to one request in any 12-month period and when making a request, an employee will no longer have to explain the effect they think their requested change would have on the employer and how any such effect might be dealt with. Employers will also be required to consult the employee about the request before they can refuse it. ACEVO’s partner, Muckle has produced an excellent blog providing more details.

The policy and influencing team is here to help! If you have any questions, please don’t hesitate to get in touch with me directly, or with the team at

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