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A quick guide to dealing with a comms crisis

Being ready for a crisis or a challenge to your reputation is becoming increasingly important in the charity sector. Here, Zaiba Malik, an expert in crisis communications provides a short introduction to what charities of all sizes should consider in their preparation and navigation of such challenges. 

A narrated version of this blog is available at the bottom of the page

Risks to reputation have never been greater; the detrimental effect of a crisis or issue can be long-lasting, costly, time-consuming and demoralising. Charities are facing questions from many audiences, including regulators, journalists, donors and employees on what they do, why they do it and how. Managing these difficult situations of investigation and censure requires preparation, careful response and review.

The key elements to consider in dealing with a crisis or issue are:

Risk register

Not every charity will face the same problems so it’s important to undertake a thorough and tailored assessment of the threats your organisation may potentially face:

  • What are the key risks you face and how do you classify them?
  • What is the distinction between a crisis and an issue for your charity?


It’s impossible to prepare for every eventuality but once the risk register is complete, it’s vital to focus on process, procedures and content:

  • What monitoring is in place so you can identify a threat in good time?
  • What processes do you have in place for dealing with an issue or crisis, right from notification to review?
  • Who are the individuals and teams that need to be included in a crisis response team?
  • Have key messages and responses been developed?
  • Have you trained spokespeople on how to respond to key audiences, such as questions from journalists and concern from staff?
  • Has your crisis response been tested, for example through a desktop simulation?

Crisis response

Crises and issues have different scales of impact. A matter that seems relatively small can quickly escalate so consider:

  • At what point do you need to activate the crisis response team?
  • Have compliance and reporting steps been taken?
  • Is external support required, such as legal and communications counsel?
  • How do you engage with staff and volunteers?

Appraisal and review

Once the dust has settled, it’s vital to understand what went wrong and how this can be avoided again so take time to:

  • Review and update any policies that were at the centre of the crisis
  • Review and update any crisis response measures that need to be changed
  • Engage with key stakeholders, including staff and volunteers

If you need further support, get in touch with Zaiba.

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