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Now is the time for collective action on climate

Blog by Janet Thorne, chief executive officer, Reach Volunteering

Reach Volunteering is running a campaign to encourage people to volunteer their expertise with climate and environmental organisations. We have brought together over 100 trustee roles and volunteer projects with an array of truly inspiring groups and organisations. Given the scale and urgency of the climate and nature crises there are many reasons to engage. Here are four of them that might resonate with ACEVO members: 

It’s important to your leadership

The climate crisis is the context within which your work will take place over the next decade. Whatever your cause area, the climate crisis will have a huge impact on your mission. By volunteering with a climate organisation you can deepen your understanding of the issues and build networks. Increasingly, leaders will need to step outside their silos. This is a good way to start

You are well placed to do something meaningful

Maybe you already do a lot to reduce your own carbon footprint. But the climate and nature crises are systemic challenges,  and they need systemic responses. By volunteering with a climate organisation you can work on the bigger picture. And you have invaluable expertise to contribute such as governance, financial management, leadership, fundraising and communications.

It’s rewarding 

I’ve just joined the board of The Movements Trust and I’ve found it immensely rewarding. It’s a relief to be doing something constructive on the climate crisis, instead of just worrying about it. My fellow trustees are a varied and fascinating bunch. It feels good to be part of a wider group, focused on the same challenges. 

If not you, then who? 

Events of this week have proven, yet again, that political leadership is seriously lacking. To quote Rob Hopkins: “If we wait for the governments, it’ll be too little, too late; if we act as individuals, it’ll be too little; but if we act as communities, it might just be enough, just in time.”

We all need to step up now,  into collective action. 

Please take a look at the amazing range of opportunities: from trustee roles to one off projects, from established charities to new volunteer-led groups, there is a huge array of inspiring way to take action on climate. Consider joining one of them, and share these opportunities with your teams too

You can see the opportunities here

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