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Policy round-up: September 2023

This month’s policy roundup gives you a taste of what the policy and influencing team has been up to over the past month. By Shareen Patel, policy and influencing officer.

A narrated version of this blog is available at the bottom of the page

Charity Commission social media guidance

The Charity Commission has published its Social Media Guidance, including a checklist on developing a social media policy. ACEVO believes in the importance of a well-regulated sector where charity leaders feel safe to campaign with confidence in line with their charitable objectives, using whichever communication channels are most appropriate. We welcome the clarity provided to trustees in the guidance, in supporting leaders and staff and in stating that charities not only can but should not hold back from campaigning politically or engaging in emotive issues. We believe charity leaders and their organisations should use social media boldly. View our statement in response to the publication and navigate to the resources section on our website to read the exclusive member briefing produced by our partner Womble Bond Dickinson.

Relationship building with shadow minister for civil society

Our CEO and Head of Influencing met with Lilian Greenwood, Shadow Minister for Arts, Heritage and Civil Society to discuss the value of strong relationships between our sector and government, the importance of balanced relationships between charities and the public sector and the importance in protecting civil society’s rights to campaign politically. We look forward to maintaining this relationship and working on behalf of the sector to build shared goals through constructive dialogue. We’re hoping that Lilian Greenwood will join us at a  future event, so please keep an eye on our events schedule for an opportunity to meet and engage directly.

Charity campaigning

We continue to speak out to defend the legitimate right of charities to campaign whenever and by whoever it is called into question. This week we reacted to the home secretary’s speech given at Conservative party conference that suggested that civil society campaigning is anything less than legitimate, the second time that she has called this into question.  We are working with NCVO to produce joint communications for members and the sector on charity campaigning during an election and in the meantime, signpost you to some helpful advice produced by our friends at Directory of Social Change.

Home Truths 2

Our Home Truths 2 survey for black and minority ethnic people working in the charity sector is still open but closes at 5pm on 12 October, so please encourage your networks to complete before the closing date.  We have a good volume of responses, but there’s always capacity for more and we’re keen to reach as many potential participants as possible.  It asks for experiences of racism and views on what is helpful in advancing race equity in the sector. We plan to issue a report of the findings before the christmas break.

We have recently concluded our invitation to tender for facilitators to the Further, Faster programme for senior leaders and hope to soon be able to appoint delivery partners, which will then enable us to progress to opening applications to potential participants.  You can read more details on this programme of work on our website. If you have any questions, don’t hesitate to get in touch at or 

Community organisations support fund

Applications to the Community Organisations Cost of Living Fund are still open, closing at 12pm on Monday 16 October and we urge you to apply if you meet the criteria.

Climate crisis

As part of the Everyone’s Environment programme, we have signed an open letter to the Prime Minister. It calls on him to listen to the voices of the people and reverse his decision made on 20 September to delay the implementation of critical policies to reduce emissions.

Open consultations

DCMS has opened a consultation to seek views on the key design principles of a dormant assets-funded community wealth fund in England. The consultation closes at 11:55pm on 19 October 2023. The government intends for a community wealth fund to target places that are experiencing high levels of deprivation and/or low social capital. If you have any thoughts on this, please get in touch with me directly at

The Home Office has opened a consultation ahead of the Foreign Influence Registration Scheme (FIRS) coming into force. This is part of the National Security Act 2023 that received Royal Assent on 11 July 2023. The consultation refers to detailed draft guidance that aims to enable an individual or entity to understand the circumstances in which registration is required, including exceptions from publication of information. The guidance will be reviewed following feedback received from the consultation. It closes at 5pm on 1 December 2023.

The policy and influencing team is here to help! If you have any questions, please don’t hesitate to get in touch with me on

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