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ACEVO recommends: February 2024

“ACEVO recommends” initially began as a weekly thread on Twitter, curating noteworthy resources, content, and events pertinent to leaders within the sector. These insightful recommendations have transitioned to a monthly format, now accessible through the ACEVO blog.

Embedding the social impacts of the environmental crises into your strategy

Every person, every cause, in the UK will be affected by the environmental crises – nowhere and nobody is immune. The climate and nature crises are not only a threat to be addressed, but they are also an opportunity to build a happier, healthier, and fairer society for all. How will your strategy contribute?

On 28 February, join NPC’s Liz Gadd, Kamran Mallick, CEO at Disability Rights UK, and Sarah Mann, director at Friends, Family and Travellers to explore how to embed the social impacts of the environmental crises into your strategy. This event will be of interest to both charities and funders focused on social or environmental issues.

The session will cover:

  • the impact of the climate and nature crises and/or related policy on social groups in the UK
  • practical steps for embedding the social impacts of the environmental crises into your strategy
  • examples from across the sector

Book your place.

COP 29 and gender imbalance

The 14t January announcement of the COP29 Organisational Committee consisting of 28 men and no women could not be a clearer indication of how much work still needs to be done to bridge the gender gap. She Changes Climate released a public statement addressing the urgent need for diversity and inclusion in the Committee.

SMK campaigner survey: what was 2023 like for you?

Every year SMK publishes a snapshot of the what the world is like for campaigners and change-makers. Whether you work alone or with others, whether in your own time or as an employee, SMK wants to hear from you.  

The survey should take around 10-15 minutes to complete. And this is what SMK means by campaigning: they are interested in any activity designed to change or protect policies, laws, practice, attitudes or behaviours. Fill the survey.

Charity Technology Leaders survey 2024

Each year Smartdesc conducts a Charity Technology Leaders survey to listen to sector leaders and understand their priorities around IT for the year ahead. They identify common themes and trends and share this in the form of a report. They are now looking for senior stakeholders involved in technology at large UK charities to complete the survey for this year’s research.

This should only take around seven minutes and will help to provide valuable insight and best practice across the sector. You will also be entered into a prize draw to win a £150 Amazon voucher or charity donation.

CharityComms Strategic Marketing Conference 2024

This two-day conference bridges the gap between theory and practice with a host of talks, reflective exercises, practical workshops and networking opportunities. Some sessions to look forward to in the event agenda, include:

  • Trendspotting: context and insights for 2024
  • From the insight out: behaviour change marketing to spark action 
  • Power session: crafting stories that cut through the noise

Cyber Governance Code of Practice: call for views

The UK Government has just launched a call for views on a proposed Cyber Governance Code of Practice. The Code, which is targeted at directors, has been developed in collaboration with the NCSC and industry experts over recent months to drive up cyber resilience standards. They are now seeking feedback from stakeholders of all sizes and sectors on the Code’s suitability for directors.

Shared digital guides

If your organisation is trying to do something digital, there might be a step-by-step guide waiting for you in Catalyst’s free library of Shared Digital Guides, contributed by charities of all sizes who have been there and done that. 48 organisations share 66 guides on using digital tools to run their services and operations. You are free to copy and learn from what they’ve done.

New campaign to tackle ageism

The Centre for Ageing Better is launching Age Without Limits, a hard-hitting new campaign highlighting the issue of ageism. The charity warns of the ‘scarring’ impact of ageism on us as we get older – on our health, job prospects and the way we live our lives with a knock-on effect on our society and the economy. Get involved and join the Age Without Limits movement.

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