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Further, Faster from Home Truths Two now open for applications

Further, Faster is the flagship leadership learning programme of Home Truths 2, convened and facilitated by ACEVO and Voice4Change England and designed to challenge and support mainstream UK civil society to take serious practical action on anti-racism and race equity.

Further, Faster will bring together a group of up to 50 civil society CEOs and senior executives committed to serious action on anti-racism and racial justice in their organisations and civil society as a whole. Applications to take part in Further, Faster – the first leadership learning programme of its kind – to seek to operate and create change on a large scale across civil society are now open.

This 12-month learning programme will be led and delivered by Martha Awojobi of JMB Consulting and Pari Dhillon of Social Justice Collective, following a competitive tender to partner with expert trainers and facilitators. 

With a mix of small group online work and whole group in-person engagements which will be supportive, challenging and joyful, participants will be guided through a personal, challenging and transformative process of reflecting on power, racism and white supremacy culture. The programme is aimed at those who are already committed to anti-racism and have taken steps towards this work. Participants will be supported to understand and dismantle systems of oppression and to imagine and build life-affirming alternatives in civil society that centre racial and social justice.

Applications are now open at Participants will be selected by course leaders, Martha Awojobi and Pari Dhillon based on a range of criteria including the willingness to be self-reflective, to interrogate relationship to power and to understanding the limitations of equality, diversity and inclusion.

Participants will be charged a fee to take part to enable the expert facilitation and fees have been scaled according to income of organisations, to allow an equitable approach and ensure that cost barriers are reduced for leaders from smaller organisations.

Jane Ide, CEO, ACEVO comments,

I am enormously pleased that we are working with Martha Awojobi and Pari Dhillon to bring this much needed programme to leaders in our sector. ACEVO has a long history of leading from the front in challenging the sector (and ourselves) to truly work to dismantle the systemic barriers so many experience through racism; we know that many leaders have started the journey but want to be both pushed and supported to do more. 

I’ve been public in my commitment to participating in the programme myself and I am both excited and daunted at the prospect.  Excited, because as a leader I want to know how I personally can continue to deliver change in this space; daunted because I know this is not going to be an easy ride, and nor should it be.”

Sanjiv Lingayah, co-creator and racial justice specialist of Home Truths and Home Truths 2 said:

“The Further, Faster programme offers a unique chance to convene, challenge and equip civil society leaders to lift up the sector and to put anti-racism and race equity at its heart. My role in Further Faster is to help to surface learnings from the process so that we can better understand how to draw and follow the line towards transformation that allows all of us to thrive.”

Martha Awojobi, JMB Consulting said,

Whether it is helping Black led grassroots organisation to navigate the funding landscape, working with leaders to confront their relationship to white supremacy, or embedding anti-racism into organisational strategies and cultures, my approach is always bold, creative, and most importantly, joyful.

Pari Dhillon, SJC Collective adds,

This feels like a massive opportunity for building anti-racism within our sector and as a result out into the work we do in society. I believe that in this moment we have huge potential to move beyond the old dynamics of charity and powerfully towards justice.

Applications are now open. For more information, FAQ’s and to apply, visit

Notes to Editors

About Home Truths 2

 Home Truths 2 is a programme of activity, hosted by ACEVO and delivered in partnership with Voice4Change England and Dr Sanjiv Lingayah, race equity expert and lead author of Home Truths.

Home Truths 2 is funded by ACEVO, Barrow Cadbury Trust, Charities Aid Foundation, John Ellerman Foundation, Esmee Fairbairn Foundation, Paul Hamlyn Foundation, and the National Lottery Community Fund.

Home Truths 2 activity includes but is not limited to:

  • Publication of the Warm Words, Cold Comfort report, based on a survey to learn about Black and Minoritised experiences in mainstream civil society uncovering patterns of racism as well as solutions that respondents think is advancing race equity in organisations;
  • A practical race equity learning series for civil society organisations on topics such as explainers on key concepts, e.g., intersectionality, race equity and anti-racism; ethnic pay disparities audits and actions, and making race equity core to mission; and
  • A ‘Further, Faster’ cohort of around 50 civil society leaders already taking substantive action towards race equity. They will participate in a year of facilitated small group work, elevating and sharing their race equity practice and helping to demonstrate what ambitious action can look like.

About Further, Faster

To find out more about Further, Faster, please visit


ACEVO’s vision is for civil leaders to make the biggest possible difference. Together with our network of over 1,700 members, we inspire and support civil society leaders through connection, skills and influence.

Our members drive positive change in their organisations and in their communities, and our peer-to-peer network supports and encourages them at every step of their career.

We offer our members networking and learning events; exclusive access to personal development opportunities and mentoring tailored to senior leadership roles; helplines for immediate expert advice; discounted professional services delivered by our partners, and advice and support when it is needed the most. Through our influencing work we help to shape the agenda on issues that matter to our members, and ensure their voices are heard by those who have the power to effect change. Membership is open to charity and social enterprise chief executives.

Twitter: @acevo

About JMB Consulting

In June 2020 Martha Awojobi launched JMB after a decade in fundraising roles in the charity sector. Exhausted by the low glass ceilings, code switching, the microaggressions, the lack of Black and brown faces in offices, the defensiveness and inaction on institutional racism, they decided to carve out their own space and JMB was born.

JMB is all about reimagining what leadership looks and behaves like, what success looks like, how we generate income, or how we respond to racism. They are reimagining what charity sector leadership looks like, supporting a generation of leaders who are courageous, creative and driven to build anti-racist organisations that can transform society.

JMB helps people understand racism as a tool of power, oppression and subjugation and turn anti-racist theory into practice, challenging conversation into meaningful action.

About Social Justice Collective

Social Justice Collective are a women and non-binary people of colour collective of organisational change and EDI (equity, diversity and inclusion) professionals. They believe that all leaders and organisations have a crucial role to play in creating social justice.

Their vision is to enable key players to use their power to bring about social justice on the individual, organisational and systemic level. They work with organisations to identify and dismantle oppressive practices, but also support organisations to create a positive vision and enable them to make the changes needed to realise that vision.

Simply put, they believe that with their expertise, you can create the organisation and society you want to be a part of.

About Voice4Change England

Voice4Change England (V4CE) is a national advocate for the Black, Asian and Minority Ethnic voluntary and community sector (BAME VCS). As the leading national membership organisation dedicated to the BAME VCS they speak up to policymakers on the issues that matter to the sector, bring the sector together to share good practice and develop the sector to better meet the needs of communities. BAME voluntary and community organisations (VCOs) are a crucial part of civil society.

By supporting the BAME VCS they aim to improve the life outcomes for BAME and other disadvantaged communities.

  • Increase the involvement of the BAME VCS in decision making
  • Increase awareness of the BAME VCS’ impact and value
  • Improve the capacity of VCOs to meet the needs of BME and other disadvantaged communities

Press enquiries about this release should be directed to Roberta Fusco, head of influencing ACEVO

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