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Make your electricity go green

We all want to do as much as we can to protect the environment. But at the same time, green electricity has to be affordable for charities and organisations. So how do you balance going green and producing a smaller carbon footprint while remaining within your existing budget? Helen O’Brien, consultant at Energycentric, looks to dispel the myths around cost and show you how you can save money and save the planet at the same time.

The current climate

More and more charities are looking to use renewable energy every year. But how do you know if it is right for you?

The first step is to find a renewable energy broker who will work with you to find the best possible deal to save your organisation money while utilising the best green energy sources available.

This form of energy can include solar, wind and hydro. It can save you money and is a stable source of electricity as it occurs naturally.

As these types of electricity become more widespread, prices are becoming more competitive. So it is also worth switching sooner rather than later to give you a head start in renewable energy expertise.

Current data suggests that more than a third of the UK electricity is coming from renewable fuel sources with Britain targeting 30% of electricity and 12% of heat generation coming from renewable energy by 2020.

It has become increasingly important to consider where and how we source our energy so customers can enjoy a cleaner energy supply and will continue to do so as part of their commitment to helping reduce climate change.

What are the options?

Renewable energy is a more secure energy supply as this type of production occurs naturally across the world.

There are various forms of green energy, including:

  • Wind. A common green electricity resource across Britain with enough wind to power the country several times over.
  • Solar.  Good renewable energy to use for generating electricity.
  • Hydro. Taken from flowing water which is then converted into electricity.
  • Tidal. Britain’s coastline produces some of the highest tidal ranges in the world while also being hugely efficient and easy to collect.
  • Biomass. A sustainable type of energy that is generally carbon neutral as it originates from organic matter.

The hidden message

Of course, given the choice, we would all choose to go green. It is estimated that more than three-quarters of us are very concerned about climate change and this figure will surely continue to rise and rise unless action is taken.

By opting for green energy, you are sending out a clear message to your stakeholders and donors. Whichever green option you choose, it shows you are listening and acting.

How do you decide?

With so many options at your disposal, your best course of action is to seek expert support. Finding the right, bespoke, package that works for your organisation is key. There are lots of knowledgeable experts out there who can give you impartial advice, whether over the phone or through face-to-face surgeries (see below).

One size does not fit all and it is important that you weigh up the advice before making a final decision.

ACEVO Utility Scheme

Energycentric has been in partnership with the ACEVO Utility Scheme for six years, providing members with a procurement service along with services such as bill validation, query management support and energy efficiency advice. 

Find out more

If you would like an informal discussion about your green energy strategy, we would advocate engaging with the help of an expert like Energycentric who can offer the best and most sensible advice going forward.

Our own ethos is built on trust and transparency and we are very proud to work with so many national and local charities who share our values.

Find out more by visiting our website, or find us at the ACEVO annual conference in the Business Design Centre in London on Thursday 21 November, where we will also be running advice surgeries.

Photo by Luca Bravo on Unsplash

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