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Climate emergency: practical resources

Initiatives, useful information, and resources provided by our partners and other organisations.

Calculating your footprint and tips for going green

These highly practical tools will help you get an initial assessment of your carbon footprint. You can also reach out to our partners Energise who provide emissions audits and ongoing support to measure your outputs and set targets.

Calculate the carbon footprint of your church, charity or small business

The Carbon Footprint Calculator has been designed to help UK based SMEs measure their corporate emission footprint following GHG Protocol Guidance.

Estimate your web page carbon footprint.

Understand how your cloud usage impacts our environment and what you can do about it.

Calculate how your activity contributes to pollution levels and learn how you can make a difference for Clean Air Day and beyond.

The Green Web Foundation lets you check if your website is hosted green.

This sheet, produced by Community Rail Network, provides talking points, considerations and ideas to help you get started. Download ‘Getting started with greener travel’ ideas sheet.

Free set of unique carbon calculators developed by Julie’s Bicycle specifically for the creative industries, to understand the environmental impacts of cultural buildings, offices, outdoor events, tours and productions.

A CFG guide for all charities, regardless of size and sector, that are looking to begin and progress their net zero journey.

Information hubs

Dive a little deeper into certain topics by exploring these sites, which gather existing resources and provide advice on more specific areas.

We have created a glossary of some key terms for anyone who is not familiar with climate/environmental jargon. 

Ethical funding for cultural organisations.

Supporting the North East’s VCSE sector towards Net Zero.

Population growth, rising water use and climate change will increasingly affect future water resources in the UK. If water efficiency action is not increased, the UK could be hit by water shortages by 2050.

Doing just some of these things is likely to be important to your beneficiaries, donors and funders.

The Zero Carbon Britain Hub and Innovation Lab helps turn climate and biodiversity emergency declarations into action.

Demonstrate your commitment to water efficiency and apply  a checkmark for your office. 

Free webtool for public service providers designed to identify who is vulnerable to climate change and fuel poverty and why, highlight neighbourhoods where climate disadvantage is highest, and explain the factors involved and help you decide what actions to take.

Community groups, clubs, charities and volunteers: what does sustainability have to do with you?

Tips from Heart of the City on what you can do to improve your impact on ar pollution though your supply chain, travel and green space initiatives.

A tool for investors to assess companies’ readiness to transition to carbon net-zero.

The Clean Air Hub has brought together information on what air pollution is, how it affects your health and what actions you can take to protect yourself and others.

Factsheets and briefings adapted to different sectors and industries on what types of action to adapt to climate change risks and opportunities would be beneficial in the next five years.

Under its Climate Change Programme, the National Trust has put together a map highlighting the 2020 x 2060 exposure of UK sites to climate hazards. 

Bright and colourful posters are just one way that we can help you and your co-workers become recycling pros. Print off and display by your bins for beautifully simple recycling. 

Cutting-edge insights and practical resources from leading climate cities.

Learn about the climate crisis, share your experiences with others in the sector, and discover actions and funding you can take to address it. 

The annual week-long event is for everyone, creating space for both those inside and outside the climate world to present London’s action on climate change to a global audience.


Learn how to better communicate climate action to your stakeholders.

A toolkit for engaging the British public on climate change.

This toolkit offers advice on putting together a communications plan, creating content and gaining media coverage, as well as customisable templates for emails, posters, press releases and social media copy and a list of useful resources and guidelines.

This guide is for campaigners, activists, spokespeople, and anyone trying to talk about climate justice. The aim is to bring global justice into our understanding and advocacy on climate breakdown.

Designed to help you cut through complexity and get straight to the definition, explanation and content that you need.

The world’s only evidence-based and impact focused climate photography resource

How supporting young people to recognise, understand and take control of climate narratives and their climate stories is an important part of helping them to cope with their emotions and lead climate action.

Articles and reports

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