Supporting charities on flexible working.
The issue of flexible working has become all the more crucial due to the rise in home working during the pandemic. A recent survey of charity professionals found that 90% wanted flexible working to continue long-term, and 43% said that they would never apply for a job that was entirely office-based. Yet, the research also raised concerns, with 72% admitting they worked longer hours at home and that boundaries between home and work were a challenge.
ACEVO and NCVO with support from Starfish Search, have convened a working group chaired by Becky Hewitt, to address some of the barriers and stigma about flexible working as well as sharing examples of good practice across the sector.
The final report, ‘Time to Flex’, was published on NCVO’s website on February 2022.
The members of the working group are:
Akiko Hart, CEO, National Survivor User Network
Alice Klein, assistant director of communications, Shelter
Ama Afrifa-Tchie, head of people, wellbeing and equity, Mental Health First Aid England
Claire Reynolds, head of digital and data, Changing Faces
Darren Knight, CEO, George House Trust
Harry Hayer, executive director, People and Organisation Development, Sustrans
Helen Reed, co-founder, JobSharesWorks
Helen Undy, CEO, Money and Mental Health Policy Institute
Jane van Zyl, CEO, Working Families
Lauren Seager-Smith, CEO, Kidscape
Michael Maddick, director of people & culture, The Children’s Trust
Pip Gardner, CEO, The Kite Trust