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Alliance contracting: building new collaborations to deliver better healthcare

The third sector is a pioneer in collaborative working. The number of third sector consortia has increased rapidly in the last two decades. It is time the health and social care system fully acknowledges this potential, introduces effective commissioning tools and allows the sector to
realise its full potential within health and care. Alliance contracting may be a large part of the answer. It is, in short, a contractual arrangement that relies on all parties having an equal decision-making role in the delivery of services. It is a mechanism for delivering joined up care.

The purpose of this report is to define and explore alliance contracting. It will consider practical examples of its implementation and a study of what is driving its growth. In particular, it explores the role of alliance contracting in facilitating third sector organisations in the delivery of public services.

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Report cover. It reads: Alliance Contracting. Building new collaborations to deliver better healthcare. February 2015. Sponsored by Hempsons.

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