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Accessing Leadership: supporting disabled leaders and future leaders in the voluntary sector – Part one: Scoping Review


Access to Work – A government employment support programme that aims to help more Disabled people start or stay in work. Includes grant scheme that can help with the cost of reasonable adjustments (see to-work-factsheet-for-customers)

Charity model of disability – The charity model of disability gets its name from the way in which charitable interventions traditionally perpetuated the concepts of vulnerability and helplessness and have perpetuated the negative perception of impairment in society. The charity model of disability prioritises non-disabled experts, protectors and decision-makers over disabled people’s lived experience.

Deaf and Disabled people’s organisations (DDPOs or DPOs) – these organisations are run by and for Deaf and Disabled people, and have either a board made up of 75% or more Deaf and Disabled people, or a staff team of 50% or more Deaf and Disabled people, or both (source: Inclusion London).

D/deaf people – this recognises diversity among the hearing impaired, some who identify with a Deaf community and, others who do not.

Disability – is the social consequence of having an impairment. People with impairments are disabled by society and social constructs (see social model of disability).

Disability Justice – Disability Justice originated in the US and has 10 underlying principles which if followed aim to liberate people’s whole selves and celebrate diversity and disability whilst embedding accessibility. While the movement is growing, it is relatively unknown in the UK currently.

Hidden impairments – a hidden impairment is one where it is not outwardly obvious that a person has a physical, sensory or cognitive difference – for example dyslexia, experiencing depression or some long-term health conditions like Crohn’s disease.

Identity-first language – i.e disabled people rather than people with disabilities. While some individuals prefer people-first language, identity-first better reflects the social model, whereby people are disabled by conditions and design of society, structures and services, rather than because they have a medical condition.

Impairment – an individual’s physical, sensory or cognitive difference.

Medical model of disability – The medical model of disability defines disability in relation to people’s health or other conditions, focusing on treatments, cures and individual responsibility, rather than barriers within the system.

Politically disabled – the term ‘Disabled people’ is a political term that people with impairments use to emphasise the social cause and nature of exclusion and discrimintation faced by people with impairments who are disabled by society.

Reasonable adjustments –changes employer’s must make to remove or reduce barriers that disadvantage Disabled people in the workplace.

Social model of disability – the social model, whereby people are disabled by conditions and design of society, structures and services, rather than because they have a medical condition. A social model interpretation of neurological and learning disabilities such as autistic spectrum disorders, dyspraxia, dyslexia and dyscalculia, attention deficit disorders and other similar conditions, rejecting medical approaches that seek to ‘cure’ individuals.

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