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Hidden Leaders: briefing for external audience

Table: Building Good Practice

2. Building Good PracticeIs this in place yet?What more do we need to do?
Knowledge and data• Develop a standard expectation that disability data will be shared
in annual reports by all large civil society organisations.
• Actively engage the workforce and beneficiaries in discussions around reasonable adjustments and adaptations, especially in induction processes.
Approach and ethos• Review what it would take to move your organisational practice
from a social model approach to a disability justice approach.
• Have measurable targets as part of an organisational inclusion and accessibility manifesto or strategy, and carry out annual reviews around implementation.
Access• Carry out access audits of activities and venues and have a basic
minimum access standard which all of your activities adhere to.
Policy and procedure• Annually review all policies and procedures to ensure that they align
with current best practice around access and inclusion.
• Operate a guaranteed interview scheme for candidates who meet
the essential criteria of jobs who identify as disabled.
• Have established policies and procedures in place for reasonable adjustments, which support requests and include deadlines for implementation.
Training, learning and development• Annually set aside staff development time to explore issues around
disability inclusion.
Representation• Ensure there is disability representation in all events, and that representation is not tokenistic and representative of the diversity of the disabled community.
• Develop leadership potential pipelines that recognise and harness the skills gained by lived experience. This includes mentoring from those with lived experience.
Working at the intersections• Run activities that are aimed at disabled people who have additional protected characteristics such as events or forums for disabled people of colour or disabled women.

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