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Hidden Leaders: disability leadership in civil society

2.3 What did we do?

At the start of this project we set out to understand what was already out there in relation to this topic, explored through a literature review.

In addition, we sought to understand what are the key issues that affect how ACEVO and the sector address the underrepresentation of disabled people in leadership roles and staff structures. Our aim was to devise and develop tangible recommendations to bring about change.

In order to do this, we carried out semi structured interviews with leaders and staff at different levels, including:

  • Key staff and board members at ACEVO
  • ACEVO members who expressed interest in this project
  • Civil society leaders who publicly identify as disabled, and are not members of ACEVO.

Interviews with internal staff were designed to help us understand the current situation within the organisation, and its own understanding of issues related to disability leadership and inclusion. ACEVO staff helped us to identify members who were interested in the project, as well as suggesting those who were not members. In selecting interviewees, efforts were made to ensure, where possible, a range of organisational types, geographical distribution and representation of intersecting identities of race and gender.

Over the space of five and a half months from March 2020 – August 2020 researcher Zara Todd conducted 10 anonymous interviews. All interviewees were asked to speak from their experience and to avoid hypothesising on behalf of others. While some interviewees were intentionally selected because they identify publicly as disabled CEOs, we chose not to require disclosure of impairments as part of the interview process in an acknowledgement of the societal stigma associated with disability, and reflecting the reality that many disabled CEOs and other staff do not disclose their disability status.

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