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Home Truths: Undoing racism and delivering real diversity in the charity sector


Data sources

Literature review: see below.

SurveyMonkey online survey: launched 9 August 2019; ran until 30 September 2019. There were 611 responses respondents. Of these, 543 respondents were engaged in the charity sector at the time of the survey and a further 29 had worked in the sector within the last five years. Not all respondents filled in every question depending on the survey logic and some optional questions. SurveyMonkey questions can be provided on request.

Interviews: 24 interviews conducted between September and November 2019, 13 with charity leaders and 11 with BAME charity staff.

Roundtables: one 2h 30min session with 10 system-shapers and one 2hr 45m session with 10 racial justice advocates and activists.


ACEVO (Association of Chief Executives of Voluntary Organisations) (2018) Eight principles to address the diversity deficit in charity leadership. ACEVO, 9 July. Available at: [accessed 10 March 2020].

ACF (Association of Charitable Foundations) (2019) Diversity, equity and inclusion: the pillars of stronger foundation practice. Report, ACF, UK, October. Available at: [accessed 14 February 2020].

Adams K, Phillips T, Tulsiani R, Heath J and Sansuwan P (2019) Third sector leadership 2000: a review of diversity in major UK charities. Report, Green Park, UK, April. Available at: [accessed 25 February 2020].

AdvanceHE (2019) Equality impact assessment: legal requirements. AdvanceHE. Available at: [accessed 10 March 2020].

Advisory, Conciliation and Arbitration Service and Government Equalities Office (2020) Gender pay gap reporting: overview. Available at: [accessed 8 April 2020].

Babbage A (2018) How do I remove bias from my recruitment process? BeApplied, 29 November. Available at: [accessed 10 March 2020].

BBC (2012) Census 2011: Leicester ‘most ethnically diverse’ in region. BBC News, 12 December. Available at: [accessed 14 February 2020].

BBC (2018a) Aid organisations ‘truly sorry’ for sector’s failings. BBC News, 24 February. Available at: [accessed 14 February 2020].

BBC (2018b) Aid sector ‘almost complicit’ in sex scandal, say MPs. BBC News, 31 July. Available at: [accessed 14 February 2020].

Bolger M (2017) What’s the difference between diversity, inclusion and equity? General Assembly Blog, 24 October. Available at: [accessed 14 February 2020].

brap (2018) Let’s talk about race: civil society and race equality. Report, Civil Society Futures Inquiry, England and Wales, November. Available at: uploads/sites/6/2018/12/Civil-Society-Futures-Lets-talk-about-race-_031218.pdf [accessed 25 February 2020].

Buckley T, Hellier D and David R (2018) Major UK companies are starting to pull each other up on gender and race diversity. The Independent, 3 February. Available at: news/business/analysis-and-features/uk-companies-public-relations-gender-diversity-race-bame-pr-battle-attack-a8183731.html [accessed 25 February 2020].

Buffett P (2013) The charitable-industrial complex. The New York Times, 26 July. Available at: [accessed 14 February 2020].

Butterworth B (2020) What does ‘woke’ mean? The origins of the term, and how its meaning has changed. inews, 22 January. Available at: [accessed 10 March 2020].

Charity Commission for England and Wales (2013) What makes a charity? Available at: [accessed 14 February 2020].

Charity Commission for England and Wales (2019) Inquiry report: summary findings and conclusions, Oxfam. Report, Charity Commission for England and Wales, UK, June. Available at: [accessed 14 February 2020].

Charity so White (2019) #CharitySoWhite: the sector has shied away from addressing institutional racism for too long. That must change. Civil Society, 3 September. Available at: [accessed 13 March 2020].

Charity so White (2020) Defining Racism. Website. Available at: [accessed 5 May 2020].

Chow B (2018) From words to action: a practical philanthropic guide to diversity, equity and inclusion. Report, GrantCraft, USA, April. Available at: [accessed 25 February 2020].

Cipriani V (2020) Foundations have ‘coerced the charity sector to fit a model that suits us’. Civil Society, 26 February. Available at: has-harmed-the-cause-for-diversity.html [accessed 10 March 2020].

Civil Society Futures (2018a) Civil Society in England: its current state and future opportunity. Report, Civil Society Futures, England and Wales, November. Available at: [accessed 25 February 2020].

Civil Society Futures (2018b) The story of our times: shifting power, bridging divides, transforming society. Report, Civil Society Futures, England, November. Available at: wp-content/uploads/sites/6/2018/11/Civil-Society-Futures__The-Story-of-Our-Future.pdf [accessed 8 April 2020].

CNN (2000) President Clinton, British prime minister Tony Blair deliver remarks on human genome milestone. CNN, 26 June. Available at: [accessed 10 March 2020].

Cohen M, Küpçü MF and Khanna P (2008) The new colonialists. Foreign Policy, November–December. Available at: [accessed 14 February 2020].

CSI (Centre for Social Investigation) (2019) New CSI research reveals high levels of job discrimination faced by ethnic minorities in Britain. CSI, 18 January. Available at: [accessed 10 March 2020].

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