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Recruiting a chair, trustees and chief executive

8. Some illustrative interview questions

General questions

  • Where would people say they saw your values in your life/work?
  • Why this, why now?
  • Where (or when) have you been particularly successful in driving greater collaboration between individuals and/or organisations?
  • What has been the most difficult people-focused challenge of your leadership?
  • What was your greatest leadership challenge to date? What did you learn and what would you do differently next time?
  • How do you evaluate the contribution you’ve made?
  • How do you assess your own judgements or those of other people?
  • What experience do you have of creating a diverse and inclusive team?
  • What prior experience, knowledge, awareness or understanding would you bring to the role and our mission and work?
  • What questions do you typically ask on arrival in a new organisation? Why?
  • Where have you created coalitions or led collaborative processes to deliver a mutually beneficial agenda internally and externally?
  • Can you give us an example of when you have demonstrated a personal commitment to promoting equality, embracing diversity and supporting inclusion?
  • What skills/experience would you look for in your team to supplement your own?
  • Where have you demonstrated the creative thinking and organisational leadership that led to the kind of change which resulted in your organisation working in a more impact-driven way? What, if any, were the unanticipated consequences of this transformation?
  • If you were to be offered this role, what would be the biggest obstacle to you accepting?

Questions for chief executives

  • Describe a situation where you have taken over a team, inspiring a confident and positive organisational culture.
  • What do you do to understand your business better?
  • Can you tell us why you consider yourself to be an inclusive leader?

Questions for chairs/trustees

  • What, to your mind, are the attributes or behaviours of an effective board and what do you believe is the chair’s role in ensuring board effectiveness?
  • What do you believe to be the key components of an effective chair/chief executive relationship?

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